Page 23 - Insurance Times December 2023
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miles of rock covered with trees, shows as only a tiny speck  the end of her useful life, she was sold to a third owner,
         on the chart of the South Pacific Ocean. Situated halfway  Glenara Ltd., and was renamed “Cumberland”, retaining her
         between New Zealand and South America, the island offers,  Hong Kong registry.
         even to this day, the ultimate isolation. On the morning of
         12 June 1987, the 37,570-ton MV Cumberland (IMO No:  Manned by an Indian crew, she was then immediately taken
         7302990) on passage from Newcastle, NSW to the Panama  on  a  time-charter  by  Furness-Withy,  an  Australian
         Canal, gave her position some 180 miles east north east of  Corporation, which had voyage-chartered it to Electrolytic
         Pitcairn. Her message was brief and to the point, telling of  Zinc  Company  of  Australasia Ltd.,  another Australian
         a critical situation on board. Her two forward holds were  Corporation. The phoenix had risen from the ashes, with a
         flooded, and she was making all possible speed for the  new name, a new insignia on her funnel, but otherwise,
         nearest land, the uninhabited Henderson Island, 120 miles  apart from a few essential repairs, the Cumberland was still
         northeast of Pitcairn.                               her tired old self. The Cumberland’s chief officer, the first of
                                                              her new all Indian crew, joined her in Hakata, Japan on 16
         All the Indian crew members from the Cumberland were  November, 1986, just nine days before she was handed over
         picked up in good condition, although one woman had to  to Glenara. He was not impressed with the state of his new
         be hoisted aboard on a stretcher, Pitcairn Magistrate Brian  ship, which in his stated opinion had suffered years of
         Young said. They were rescued by the British freighter Act  neglect, particularly on the deck. He found the hull and deck
         5, officials said. Radio communications between the rescue  plating to be badly corroded in many areas, while below
         ship and Pitcairn were conducted in Morse code and further  decks bulkheads, tank tops and the ship’s side plates were
         details on the crews' condition and why the ship sank were  covered with loose rust. The main deck, he reported as
         not available soon enough, officials said.           covered with a thick coating of fish oil mixed with ore dust,
                                                              below which was thick rust. Quite obviously, the Cumberland
         The Cumberland began her life in the Hellenic Shipyard at  was a victim of the modern approach to ship operation,
         Skara manga, Greece in April 1973. She was a BC35 class  which spurns anything that might be construed as cosmetic
         bulk carrier, British designed medium sized bulk carrier, 647  maintenance.
         feet long, equipped with six electric cranes, which allowed
         her to be self-sustaining in cargo handling. She had a gross  Only the bare minimum of work required to keep the
         tonnage of 21,384 tons, and a deadweight of 36,978 tons.  insurance in force was carried out, while many pivotal
         Her seven holds were hopper shaped to avoid any need for  repairs were overlooked upon as making unwarranted
         trimming the ore, and were flanked by seven saddle ballast  inroads into profit. Since she was already 14 years old, the
         tanks. Her Polish built Sulzer diesel engine gave her a service  Cumberland was due for a special hull survey, and if she was
         speed of 16 knots.                                   to remain in class, and therefore insurable, this could not
                                                              be avoided. She entered the dry dock at Ulsan, South Korea
         She was first registered in Piraeus under the name “World  on January 9, 1987, and nine days later emerged with all
         Achilles”, and served her original owners for only twenty  her certificates in force. But nothing could disguise the fact
         months, before being sold to the ‘Broken Hill Proprietary  that the long years on a punishing, nonstop schedule had
         Company of Australia’. Renamed “Iron Cumberland”, she  taken their toll. She was long overdue for the breaker’s yard,
         was then re-registered under the Hong Kong flag in the  but before she went, Glenara intended to put her to the
         ownership of the ‘County Shipping Company’, a wholly
                                                              ultimate test on a long haul Pacific run. Over the following
         owned subsidiary of Broken Hill–a flagged out Australian  five  months, she  made three round  voyages  in quick
         ship, in other words. Manned by a full Australian crew, she
                                                              succession from Australia to Japan. It was when she was
         plied the Australian coastal trade for the next twelve years,  returning from Japan in ballast for the third time, that her
         much of the time carrying iron ore from Yampi Sound, West
                                                              newly joined Indian chief officer, when making a routine
         Australia to Port Kembla and Newcastle, NSW. Being a handy  inspection of the holds, discovered a six foot long crack in
         size and having her own cranes, the Iron Cumberland was  the watertight bulkhead separating No.1 and 2 holds. This
         ideally suited to this run, but she was inevitably pushed to  crack was welded up at sea by the ship’s engineers.
         her utmost limits. The passage between ports was only eight
         days, the turnaround times fast, and there was little time  The Cumberland arrived at Bell Bay, Tasmania, where she
         to spare for maintenance, which gradually assumed a very  was to commence loading, on 12 May 1987. Here Captain
         low priority. The Iron Cumberland grew old and battered in  W.G. Kaisar assumed command. With regard to the state
         the service of Broken Hill. In December 1986, then nearing  of the bulk carrier’s holds, he noted her general condition

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