Page 17 - Insurance Times December 2023
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domestic and foreign insurers are still The  NBP  expansion  for  private  life  Leaders in the bidding for
          vying for market dominance. Large insurers was estimated by ICRA to be
          multinational corporations have been 13.16% to 1.571.59 lakh crore in FY24  RIL's  Rs.  20,000  crore
          expanding steadily throughout Asia and 14.16% to 1.801.87 lakh crore in  bond offering are insurers
          over the last five years, steadily taking FY25. Additionally, their market share
                                                                                Insurers will be very interested in
          market share away from local insurers in NBP is anticipated to rise from 37%  Reliance  Industries'  (RELI.NS)
          and    smaller     multinational in FY23 to 40% by FY25.
                                                                                impending bond offering, which is
          corporations.  In  terms  of  market  The industry's individual net benefit per  expected to be the second-largest
          share, MNCs predominate in rising  share (NBP) increased 15.4% year over
          nations like Malaysia and Thailand,  year in FY23 to Rs. 1.45 lakh crore,  for  an  Indian  company.  A
          where  this  tendency  is  especially  partially due to the noteworthy rise in  competitive bidding process would
          visible.                          the assured nonpaticipating person  allow the conglomerate to borrow
                                                                                money at rates that barely beat the
          The two most unusual countries are segment.                           sovereign  yield,  according  to  a
          China and India, where local firms like
                                            The imposition of taxes on the returns  number of merchant bankers.
          Ping An Life and the Life Insurance  from  these  insurance  if  the  yearly  The company, led by the billionaire
          Corporation of India, respectively, are
                                            premium paid was more than Rs. 5 lakh  Mukesh  Ambani,  wants  to  raise
          in charge. However, local and joint  was another factor in the expansion.
          venture insurers, as well as foreign  According  to  ICRA's  report,  this  $2.40 billion through 10-year notes,
          insurers, have been gaining market  adjustment took effect in April 2023  the most since May 2020.
          share from these nations' leaders.  and resulted in a significant premium  Long-term  investors,  such  as
                                            rise in FY23.                       pension funds and insurance, are in
          According  to  ICRA,  life                                            demand. This RIL issue comes at a
                                                                                good  moment  because  there
          insurers'  new  business At  Rs.  17,469  crore,  LIC                 haven't been many corporate bonds
          premiums will increase by reports  its  highest-ever                  issued with longer tenors  in the
                                                                                recent two quarters, according to
          9-12% in FY24.                    half-year profit.                   Badrish  Kulhalli,  head  of  fixed
          According to ICRA, the new business Life  Insurance  Corporation  (LIC)  income at HDFC Life Insurance.
          premium (NBP) for the life insurance reported its highest-ever half-yearly
                                                                                Using 10-year notes with a 7.97%
          market is anticipated to increase by profit of Rs. 17,469 crore for the first
                                                                                coupon, HDFC raised 250 billion
          1113  percent  to  Rs.  4.494.66  lakh half of FY24. This was primarily due to  rupees in February, the largest bond
          crore in FY25, from Rs. 3.71 lakh crore the transfer of Rs. 13,768 crore, or the  issue by an Indian business.
          in FY23, and by 912 percent to Rs. accretion on available solvency margin,
          4.064.14 lakh crore in FY24.      from  the  nonparticipating  policy-  "Reliance's longer-tenor bond issue is
          The gross premium written (GPW) is  holders'  fund  to  the  shareholders'  very attractive and we expect around
                                                                                50%-70% of the issue size to be taken
          anticipated to rise from Rs. 7.86 lakh  account.
                                                                                up by LIC, and another 10%-20% by a
          crore  in  FY23 to Rs.  8.568.64  lakh The profit after tax of Rs. 16,635 crore
                                                                                state-run provident fund house," a
          crore in FY24 and Rs. 9.379.55 lakh for the same period last year is not fully
                                                                                banker  with  knowledge  of  the
          crore  in  FY25  due  to  a  consistent comparable  because  it  included  a
                                                                                development stated.
          increase in renewal premium revenue. similar transfer of Rs. 4,542 crore for
                                                                                Reuters emailed Reliance and LIC
          "The  private  sector  is  still  driving  the same six-month period. As a result,  asking for comments, but they never
          development in both individual and the  comparable  PAT  is  Rs.  12,093
          group companies, notwithstanding the crore, meaning that the profit for the  responded.
          decline in NBP for LIC's group business. first  quarter  of  FY24  increased  by  According   to   traders,   the
          As a result, Neha Parikh, Vice President 44.5% year over year. Regarding the  corporation is expected to receive
          and Sector Head of Financial Sector transfer of this sum (net of tax), LIC  bids between 7.70% and 7.80%, or
          Ratings, stated, "We anticipate that modified  its  accounting  policy  in  about 30-40 basis points (bps) over
          the  NBP  expansion  for the private September 2022. As a result, in FY23,  the yield on the benchmark 10-year
          sector will keep up with the industry it transferred Rs. 27,241 crore to the  government bond on an annualized
          growth."                          shareholders' account.              basis.

            16    December 2023  The Insurance Times
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