Page 13 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 13


           US inflation to rise due         Poor air quality could revi-       "The deteriorating air quality index
                                                                               (AQI) will not only affect the lungs and
           to health insurance              talize the health insurance        result in respiratory disorders but also

           A popular US inflation measure is  industry.                        cause  other  long-term  problems,"
           projected to see a tiny increase  The country's declining air quality will  states Siddharth Singhal, business head
           due  to  a  revision  in  the    probably cause general insurance pro-  of   health   insurance    at
           government's estimate of health  viders to witness an increase in de- Many of the clients
           insurance prices. This reversal of  mand for health insurance in the up-  we visit are worried about their health.
           trend follows a period of relief in  coming months.                 They are purchasing health coverage."
           recent months.                   As a result of increased awareness fol-  The majority of India's major cities
           A few modifications to the way the  lowing the epidemic, the health insur-  have severe, moderate, or poor air
                                                                               quality (AQI) values. Although the situ-
           Bureau of Labor Statistics tabu-  ance market experienced significant  ation in Delhi-NCR is dire, air pollution
           lates the category will be imple-  expansion. The segment expanded by  is also getting worse in certain other
           mented starting with the October  24.4% to Rs 54,713.52 crore in the first  major cities, including as Mumbai.
           release of the consumer price in-  half of the 2023-24 fiscal year from Rs
                                            43,981.54 crore in H1FY23, propelling  Health risks arise from the declining
           dex. The new technique will try to
                                            the expansion of the non-life insurance  quality  of  the  air,  particularly  for
           smooth out some of the volatility
           and minimize time lags in the in-  sector. One of the main contributing  people who have respiratory condi-
           dex in addition to a routine adjust-  factors  was  the  increase  in  group  tions. It even results in hospitalization
                                            health insurance premium costs.    in certain instances. Demand will also
           ment in the source data. The new
           calculation is expected to drive up  The health insurance sector saw tre-  be supported by a rise in health-related
                                                                               awareness brought on by a spike in
           the headline CPI, at least tempo-  mendous growth in H1FY24 as a result  claims throughout the winter.
           rarily, after serving as a consistent  of increased awareness following the
           brake on overall inflation for the  pandemic, with industry  premiums
           previous year. It will also increase  soaring 120% from Rs 24,864.01 crore Heath Cover details to be
                                            in the first half of FY19-20.
           the inflation of a more limited col-                                available  in  single  page
           lection of services, namely housing  In the health sector, the group health  from January next year
           and energy.                      segment premium increased by ap-
                                            proximately 27% in H1FY24, from Rs  In addition to having a 15-day window
           Although it computes it using inde-                                 to cancel a policy, come January 1st
                                            23,316.04 crore to Rs 29,537.57 crore
           pendent  price  index  numbers                                      you will be able to swiftly peruse the
                                            over the same period in the previous
           found in the personal consumption                                   small print of a health insurance policy,
                                            fiscal year. In contrast, over the same
           expenditures and income report,                                     which will be provided in a straightfor-
                                            period,  retail  health  premium  in-
           the Federal Reserve closely moni-  creased by 18.39% to Rs 18,784.82  ward page.
           tors so-called core services.
                                            crore from Rs 15,867.31 crore.     Health insurance policies are expected
                                                                        The Insurance Times  December 2023  13
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