Page 14 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 14

to become more easily accessible and  With the GST return, Indian health insurance be-
          transparent as a result of a directive
          from the regulator to provide a sheet  comes more appealing to non-resident Indians.
          that provides a brief overview of the  The generation of wealth, the advancement of one's profession, and expo-
          rights of policyholders and basic policy  sure to better possibilities are among the common motives for India's ap-
          information.                       proximately 25 million annual migration abroad. NRIs cannot afford to over-
          Policyholders will have instant access  look health insurance, which is the most important aspect of financial stabil-
          to important data starting on January  ity, when building their future.
          1, 2024, such as coverage specifics,  Families may quickly find themselves in financial difficulty due to the sharp
          waiting periods, limits, sub-limits, and  increase in medical emergency and healthcare prices worldwide. This is es-
          all exclusions. In addition, health insur-  pecially relevant to non-resident Indians (NRIs) and acts as a crucial safety
          ance policies will come with a 15-day  net for their relatives back home, particularly their elderly parents. Not to
          "free-look" period that consumers can  mention, going without health insurance could put them in a financial bind if
          take use of in the event that they feel  they needed medical assistance while in India.
          misled.                            The recent establishment of tax refunds is a good step towards improving
          Although the insurance contract con-  affordability, even though the insurance industry has made significant ad-
          tains essential information, it is fre-  vances towards making health insurance more accessible and inexpensive for
          quently buried in the fine print provi-  NRIs. Now, NRIs can take advantage of tax laws to lower the cost of Indian
          sions of the policy. Because insurance  health insurance. When acquiring an Indian Health Insurance plan, non-resi-
          plans are contractual in nature, these  dent Indians (NRIs) are eligible for an 18% GST refund since they have previ-
          terms are usually expressed in legalese.  ously fulfilled their tax duties in their home country.

          The  aim  of  customer  information
          sheets (CIS), according to the insurance  claims, and contact details for resolv-  metric for total revenue – of Rs 10,000
          regulator  (IRDAI),  is  to  "promote  ing grievances.               crore by 2026-27, up from Rs 4,070
          transparency and enhance policyholder  Furthermore, the CIS highlights the  crore in 2022-23.
          awareness regarding their health in-  policyholder's responsibility to provide  “In FY23, we had a gross written pre-
          surance policies... empowering them  relevant health-related information in  mium of Rs 4,070 crore and we expect
          with a deeper understanding of their  an open and equitable manner. Ac-  it to cross Rs 10,000 crore by FY27, on
          insurance  coverage".  According  to  cording to IRDAI, withholding this in-  an average of at least 28 per cent per
          IRDAI, a number of complaints  are  formation  could  have  an  effect  on  annum. The three drivers of growth in-
          coming from policyholders and insurers  claim settlements. It is now required  clude digitisation, distribution and inno-
          with unequal information.         of insurers to get policyholder signa-  vation,” said Nimish Agrawal, executive
          Insurers  claim  that  this action will  tures attesting to their receipt and  vice president and chief marketing of-
          lessen the likelihood of intermediaries  comprehension of CIS information.  ficer, Niva Bupa Health Insurance.
          misrepresenting  health  insurance.  52 lakh health insurance claims were  The company said that it is betting on
          "The regulator wants to lower com-  filed in FY22, of which 47.4 lakh were  markets like Tamil Nadu to drive its
          plaints by raising awareness and trans-  addressed in less than a month and 3.6  growth. “Over the last three years, the
          parency. The implementation of the  lakh  in  between  one  and  three  category has grown at 24 per cent and
          customer  information  sheet  is  ex-  months, according to IRDAI. Up to two  we were growing at around 49 per
          pected to reduce instances of mis-sell-  years were allowed for the payment of  cent. During the April-to-September
          ing,  according  to  T  A Ramalingam,  the remaining claims.         period, we have grown at around 40
          Bajaj Allianz General Insurance's chief                              per cent. Our existing market share
          technical officer.                Niva Bupa seeks to have            was 8.2 per cent for FY23 and in the
          Apart from providing fundamental in-  gross written premium of       month of October we were at 9.2 per
          formation, the CIS will enlighten clients                            cent.  So,  we  are  growing,”  said
          about their rights by emphasizing ideas  Rs 10,000 cr by FY27        Agrawal. The company said the sym-
          like cancellation of the "free-look" pe-  Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company  posium was organised to have a con-
          riod, migration, portability, the mora-  has said it expects to achieve a gross  versation on health insurance opportu-
          torium period, instructions on filing  written premium (GWP) – an industry  nities in the region.

            14    December 2023  The Insurance Times
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