P. 45



          HYDROGEN -

          AN ELIXIR FOR


          ENERGY NEEDS

          Abstract of Article                                    vehicles where it is not possible to deploy huge battery
                                                                 packs in the vehicle
             Solar, wind, hydro and nuclear power have been known
             as alternative sources of energy since a long time.  According  to International  Atomic Energy Agency,
             Hydrogen is relatively a new entrant on the block.  green hydrogen currently accounts for only 1 percent
                                                                 of the global hydrogen supply
             There are various reasons as to why hydrogen, in
             particular, green hydrogen is being viewed as a very  But in view of the thrust the governments across the
             strong contender to replace fossil fuels to fulfil our  world are giving to adoption of green hydrogen, it can
             energy needs                                        safely  be  said  that  green  hydrogen  can  fulfill  a
                                                                 substantial part of our energy needs in the near future
             Hydrogen has twice the gravimetric energy density (i.e.
             energy available per unit mass of a substance), as
                                                              In the year 2022, when Union Roads & Transport Minister
             compared to fossil fuels.
                                                              Sh. Nitin Gadkari drove a hydrogen fuel cell powered car to
             There are certain use cases where it is not feasible to  the Parliament, it attracted a lot of media frenzy. Generally,
             use other common renewable energy sources. For ex-  solar, wind, hydro and nuclear energy are the renewable
             green hydrogen can be used as a fuel in very large  sources of energy which are mostly talked about at various

                                                              forums/in the media in our country. Suddenly, with this
                               About the author               gesture by the Union Minister, hydrogen (as an alternative
                                                              fuel) became the talk of the town.
                       Arun K Bhardwaj
                       Chief  Manager (Research)
                       State Bank of India                    Solar, wind, hydro and nuclear power have been known as
                       State Bank Academy, Gurugram           alternative sources of energy since a long time. Hydrogen

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