P. 50


          DECODING THE


          WISDOM OF

          COMMITTEE OF


          Introduction:                                       Creditors (CoC), a pivotal body responsible for making critical
                                                              decisions  that  can  significantly  impact  the  fate  of  a
          Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016, consolidates
                                                              distressed company. This article delves into the concept of
          and  amends  the  laws  relating  to  reorganization  and
                                                              commercial wisdom exercised by the CoC and its implications
          insolvency resolution of corporate persons in a time bound
          manner for maximization of value of assets of such  persons,  for the insolvency resolution process in India.
          to promote entrepreneurship, availability of credit and
                                                              The CoC has been enabled under the Code, like the Board
          balance the interests of all  the stakeholders.
                                                              of  Directors,  to  take  the  decisions  in  respect  of  the
                                                              Corporate Debtor, during the currency of the corporate
          4 pillars of IBC infrastructure are - Insolvency Professionals
                                                              insolvency resolution process ('CIRP'). As a part of this
          (IP), Information Utilities (IU), Adjudicating Authorities (AA)
                                                              enabling  system,  the  Adjudicating  Authority  while
          & Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI).
                                                              commencing the process of CIRP for a company, appoints a
                                                              resolution professional, who co-ordinates and executes all
          At the heart of the resolution process lies the Committee of
                                                              the decision making during the CIRP and thereby conducts
                                                              the CIRP of the company. In respect of numerous aspects,
                                About the author              Resolution Professional is bound to take the prior approval
                                                              of the CoC.
                          U Upender
                          Chief Manager                       The CoC comprises only financial creditors; operational
                          Union Bank of India                 creditors are consequently relegated to a position that
                          ZLC Hyderabad
                                                              leaves them  ill-equipped  to  claim their dues or  even

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