P. 53


          Some guiding principles on Code of Conduct for Committee  legal  and  also  suggest  minimum  thresholds  of
          of Creditors:                                          representation for such experts to encourage more
          (a) demonstrable transparency in the conduct of the CoC  diverse and multi-faceted discussions.
             especially with regard to conflict-of interest issues.
             commercial wisdom of CoC to be supported by suitable  The introduction of these principles and processes will
             and reasoned back up information and data;       strengthen the ability of the CoC to exercise its commercial
                                                              wisdom for the benefit of the CD, while also ensuring that
          (b) maintain arm's length with RPs in respect of jurisdiction
             and responsibilities, especially in respect of engagement  the interests of all stakeholders are best served and could
             of professionals  and  in  the  area  of  treatment  of  greatly  strengthen  the  CIRP,  maximise  value  for  all
                                                              stakeholders with high levels of process conduct.
             avoidance transactions.
          (c) appropriate penalties or disciplinary action for a CoC
             member on account of misconduct or malfeasance while  Conclusion:
             being on the CoC, subject to decisions taken in good faith  The commercial wisdom of the Committee of Creditors is
             applying business judgement rule.                integral to the success of the insolvency resolution process
                                                              under the IBC in India. Balancing financial considerations
          (d) strict adherence to timelines stipulated in the Code and
                                                              with qualitative factors, the CoC plays a pivotal role in
             the regulations made thereunder.
                                                              determining the future of distressed companies. While
          (e) minimum stipulated professional and empowered
                                                              challenges and  controversies  may  arise,  the evolving
             competency of the members representing the creditors
                                                              jurisprudence and judicial scrutiny provide a framework for
             in the CoC meetings.                             refining the application of commercial wisdom in insolvency
          (f) in  respect  of  large  resolutions,  the  CoC  to  be  proceedings, ultimately contributing to the effectiveness of
             encouraged to have a heterogeneous composition such  the IBC in achieving its objectives. A proper Code of conduct
             as involving experts from different areas of specialisation  for CoC can promote transparency and fairness in the
             such as compliance, credit, risk, investment banking,  insolvency process.

            Exchange and deposit facility of Rs. 2000 bank notes at RBI offices

                                   temporarily unavailable on April 1
           The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that the facility for exchanging and depositing Rs. 2000 banknotes
           will not be available on April 1 at 19 of its issuing offices. The central bank cited operations associated with the
           annual closing of accounts as the reason for this temporary suspension. In an official release, the RBI said that the
           facility will resume on April 2.
           The exchange of Rs. 2000 banknotes has been available at the 19 RBI issue offices since May 19, 2023. Additionally,
           from October 9, 2023, these offices began accepting Rs. 2000 banknotes from individuals and entities for deposit
           into their bank accounts.
           According to the RBI's statistics, as of March 1, 2024, 97.62 per cent of the Rs. 2,000 currency notes in circulation
           as of May 19, 2023, have been returned to the banking system. The total value of Rs. 2000 banknotes in circulation
           declined from Rs. 3.56 lakh crore at the close of business on May 19, 2023, to Rs. 8,470 crore as of the close of
           business on February 29, 2024.
           The RBI announced the withdrawal of Rs. 2,000 banknotes on May 19, 2023, as part of its clean note policy. These
           high-denomination notes were introduced in November 2016, following the withdrawal of the legal tender status of
           all Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 banknotes in circulation at the time.
           While the temporary suspension of the exchange and deposit facility may cause some inconvenience, the RBI's move
           is a routine annual procedure related to its account closing operations. The central bank assured that the facility will
           resume on April 2, allowing the public to continue exchanging and depositing the Rs. 2000 banknotes.

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