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          adequately  participate  in the  processes  which  might  discussed the relevancy of the commercial wisdom of the
          otherwise allow them to do so.                      Committee of Creditors (CoC) and stressed upon that the
                                                              NCLT and NCLAT must work within the framework of IBC and
          Commercial  Wisdom  and  Decision-                  not to interfere with a commercial decision made by the
                                                              majority of the CoC.
          One of the key principles guiding the CoC is the exercise of  Ashish Saraf - Vs Bhuvan Madan (2021):
          "commercial wisdom." This term refers to the latitude given
                                                              In this case NCLAT stated that the "Committee of creditor's
          to the CoC to evaluate and choose the most viable resolution  holds the  responsibility of making  business decision"
          plan  based  on  financial  prudence  and  commercial
                                                              regarding the approval or rejection of a resolution plan. This
          considerations. The IBC does not mandate the CoC to choose
                                                              decision involves assessing the feasibility of the resolution
          the plan with the highest financial offer but encourages the
                                                              plan is considered non-justiciable. Therefore, the commercial
          selection of a plan that ensures the long-term sustainability
                                                              wisdom  of  the  committee  of  creditors  cannot  be
          of the business.
                                                              challenged, even if they reject a settlement proposal that
                                                              is supported by the majority of appellant's and instead
          Challenges and Controversies:                       approve a resolution plan proposed by another party. The
          While the commercial wisdom principles grant flexibility, it  appellants do not have the authority to challenge the
          also raises challenges and controversies. The subjective  committee's decision in such matters.
          nature of commercial wisdom may lead to disagreements
          among  operational creditors and other stakeholders, Kalpraj Dharamshi Case (2021):
          potentially resulting in legal disputes. Striking a balance  In the case of Ricoh India Ltd, after the formation of the
          between financial considerations and qualitative factors  CoC, different Resolution Plans were proposed by several
          requires a nuanced approach and thorough deliberation.  parties  such  as  Mr.  Kalpraj  Dharamshi  &  Mr.  Rekha

                                                              Jhunjunwalas group, Kotak Investment Advisors Ltd (KIAL),
          Judicial Interpretation and Pronounce-              Karvy Data management systems Ltd and WeP Solution Ltd.
          ments on the Commercial Wisdom of                      However, Kalpraj's Resolution plan was submitted after
                                                                 the designated deadline, prompting objections from
          Committee of Creditors                                 KIAL. As a result, the CoC instructed all parties to
          K.Sashidhar-Vs-Indian Overseas bank (2019)             resubmit their revised plans.
          In this case, it is declared that the decision of the CoC  On this KIAL appealed to the NCLAT, which overturned
          commercial wisdom is non-justiciable and that neither the  the NCLT's ruling and instructed the CoC to reconsider
          NCLT nor the NCLAT has the authority to reverse it. The  its decision solely based on Resolution Plans that were
          amendment to section 30(4) of the IBC, simply restated the  submitted within the designated time frame.
          factors that the CoC must consider while evaluating a
          resolution plan and does not grant the tribunals a jurisdiction
          over the commercial wisdom of the CoC. Under the IBC and
          the  regulations  framed  thereunder,  there  was  no
          requirement for financial creditors who disapproves or reject
          a resolution plan to provide a justification or explanation for
          their decision.

          Essar Steel India Ltd- Vs- Satish Kumar Gupta
          The Supreme Court, in its significant decision in the case of
          Committee of Creditors of Essar Steel India Ltd., thoroughly

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