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          and produce green steel, the demand for which is strong in  to fulfill their priority sector lending targets, besides boosting
          domestic and international markets.                 the credit flow to green hydrogen projects.

          'Green Finance' is a concept that is increasingly being talked  To conclude, it can be said that the transition to green hydrogen
          about these days when it comes to fulfilment of credit  cannot happen overnight. The technology for green hydrogen
          requirements of various projects. The Reserve Bank of India  production is in the initial stages right now and it will need
          considers that finance as 'Green Finance' which is meant  sustained efforts for a considerable amount of time before
          for projects that are environmentally sustainable. In other  production of green hydrogen can be done in an economically
          words, if a project gives due weightage/consideration to  viable manner, without any monetary support from the Govt.
          climate change concerns, then credit extended to such a  We can take heart from the fact that solar and wind power
          project is classified as 'Green Finance'.           were also prohibitively expensive to produce during their initial
                                                              stages of development. But with the passage of time, their cost
          As  per  a  RBI  report  titled  Survey  on  Climate  Risk  &  of production has come down substantially.
          Sustainable Finance, published in July 2022, majority of the
          banks in the country will substantially reduce their credit  For example, as per a report by International Renewable
          exposure to high carbon emitting businesses in the coming  Energy Agency (IRENA), the weighted average Levellised
          years. Banks are raising new capital called 'Green Capital'  Cost of Electricity (LCOE) in case of onshore wind power
          meant solely for financing of environmentally sustainable  projects in our country has fallen from $0.2374 per KWh in
          projects in the country.                            1990 to $0.0299 per KWh in 2021, implying a 87.40%
                                                              reduction in cost. Since, cost of electricity generated from
          Our country has set ambitious targets to ramp up green  renewable sources is one of the major cost components in
          hydrogen production in the country, under the National  green hydrogen production, it will have a positive impact
          Green Hydrogen Mission. Since, setting up green hydrogen  on the overall green hydrogen production cost also.
          projects requires huge capex, banks and NBFCs have a
                                                              As per a report by GEP, a global leader in supply chain
          critical role  to  play  in  achieving  the  country's  green
                                                              transformation consultancy, the cost of electrolyzers has
          hydrogen production targets. Apart from expenditure
          incurred in setting up of the new projects, financing is also  already come down by around 60% since 2010. Hence, it
                                                              can be said that right steps are being taken by various
          required for extensive research work, since the production
                                                              stakeholders to make green hydrogen a viable alternative
          cost of green hydrogen is currently very high and it needs
          to be reduced substantially to enable mass acceptance of  source of energy.
          usage of green hydrogen.                            According to International Atomic Energy Agency, green
                                                              hydrogen currently accounts for only 1 percent of the global
          As per a report in The Economic Times dated Dec 18, 2023;
                                                              hydrogen supply. But in view of factors like urgent need to
          State Bank of India along with some other banks are working
                                                              tackle adverse effects of climate change, extensive push by
          with the government to draw up a uniform financing framework  governments across the world to green hydrogen, global
          for green hydrogen projects which will include aspects like
                                                              investors opting for sustainable businesses in their portfolios
          credit appraisal, risk assessment etc. This will streamline the
                                                              etc.; it can safely be said that green hydrogen will fulfill a
          process of sanctioning of green hydrogen projects. For this  substantial part of our energy needs in the near future. The
          purpose, a committee comprising of representatives from
                                                              only thing required will be to maintain the momentum built
          banking  sector, industry etc.  has  been set up to  give
                                                              now to develop an optimum green hydrogen ecosystem.
          recommendations to the Govt. The initiative is being led by
          the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India.  (Note: Views expressed in the article are of the author and
                                                              not of the bank)
          The Govt. of India has also recommended to the RBI to
          include Green Hydrogen financing under the priority sector  References:
          lending. If done, it will open up another avenue for the banks  Various sources.

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