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          process of capturing carbon and storing it underground is  The final hydrogen can be transported to different locations
          called industrial Carbon Capture & Storage(CCS). Hence, Blue  as per requirement.
          hydrogen can be called as carbon neutral because the
          emissions are not released in the environment.      The hydrogen fuel produced above can be converted into
                                                              energy by means of a 'fuel cell'. Basically, a hydrogen fuel
          Black/Brown Hydrogen- Black hydrogen is produced    cell works in the reverse principle as compared to a water
          from bituminous coal while brown hydrogen is produced from  electrolyzer. Hydrogen fuel and oxygen (from the air)
          lignite variety of coal. In these two variants, CO2 and carbon  undergo chemical reaction inside the cell to produce energy
          monoxide are generated during the production process and  and water (in the form of steam) is released as residue.
          both these gases are not recaptured. Hence, these forms
          of hydrogen can be called very polluting in nature.  About two-third of our earth is covered with water (raw
                                                              material for green hydrogen) .Also, renewable energy sources
          Green Hydrogen- This is the variant of hydrogen which  like solar, wind etc. are perpetual sources of energy. So, we
          is being looked upon by the world today,to reduce our  can very well imagine the potential of green hydrogen to fulfill
          dependence on fossil fuels and help us in transitioning from  the world's energy needs. Infact, if technology is developed that
          dirty fuels to clean energy.                        can produce green hydrogen in an economically viable way, it
                                                                                 would not be an exaggeration to say
                                                                                 that green hydrogen can prove to be
                                                                                 an'elixir'for fulfilling world's energy

                                                                                 Our country has a long coastline of
                                                                                 around 7,500 km which gives access
                                                                                 to sea water. Ample sunlight and
                                                                                 wind  are  also  available  in  the
                                                                                 country. Also, our country's many
                                                                                 industrial give  producers of green
                                                                                 hydrogen a captive market, while
                                                                                 proximity to major global markets
                                                                                 and our large ports give our country
                                                                                 an advantage in the export markets.

                                                                                 Green hydrogen scores above even
                                                                                 lithium ion batteries, currently being
                                                                                 used in electric vehicles, in many
          Green  hydrogen is  produced from  water  (H2O) using  ways. Firstly, lithium is a scarce element.
          renewable sources of energy. Purified water is fed into
          electrochemical devices called 'water electrolyzers', in which  Secondly, a lithium mine takes many years of development
          water is split into hydrogen and oxygen by passage of electric  before it starts commercial production.
          current. The water electrolyzer consists of two metal rods
          called electrodes, immersed into water and separated by a  Thirdly, as of now, only 3 countries i.e. Australia, Chile and
          membrane. Hydrogen is produced by chemical reaction at  China provide about 90 percent of global lithium supply, posing
          one of the rods and oxygen at the another rod.The system  huge concentration risk in the global supply chain of lithium.
          also  consists  of  equipment  for  cooling/processing  of
          hydrogen produced (e.g. removing remaining traces of  Also, lithium mining from hard rock mines involves usage of
          oxygen and drying of hydrogen), purification of incoming  large amount of fossil fuels as well as water. It causes a lot
          water as also compression and storage of final hydrogen.  of environmental damage to the area around the mines.

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