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                                                                                          A R T IC L E
         Safe disposal of lithium ion batteries is another area of
         concern plaguing their usage.

         Lithium ion batteries take considerable amount of time for
         their charging also whereas in case of green hydrogen, it
         can be filled in fuel tanks of vehicles within minutes, just like
         petrol and diesel.

         Nickel, another component of lithium ion batteries, is also
         plagued by short supply.

         Despite the huge potential held by green hydrogen to solve  of a minimum of 5MMT of green hydrogen by the year 2030.
         our energy needs, its production and usage has not gained  The production of this much of green hydrogen will require
         much traction till now. This is because of certain factors.  125  GW  of  renewable  energy  as  also  60-100  GW  of
                                                              electrolyzer capacity. If the target is met, it can lead to
         One of the major roadblocks in the adoption of green  reduction of 50 MMT of CO2 emissions every year.
         hydrogen has been its high cost of production, with the
         currently available technology. As per a report in Forbes  As per source, the Govt. is also working on making usage of
         India, the current cost of production of green hydrogen in  green hydrogen mandatory for some sectors like oil refineries
         the country is around $3.6-$5.8 per kg. Production of green  and fertilizers which are heavy users of fossil fuels.
         hydrogen is very costly in comparison to production of grey
         hydrogen which is the most widely used form of hydrogen  The private sector is also participating in a big way to realize
         as a fuel, as of now.                                the country's green hydrogen ambitions.

         Issues  relating  to  the  storage,  compression  and  As per a report published in Forbes India, Reliance Industries
         transportation of the gas also act as stumbling blocks in  has forayed into areas like manufacture of solar panels,
         promoting green hydrogen. Currently, in our country, there  batteries as well as setting up solar farms to produce green
         is dearth of essential infrastructure such as adequate  hydrogen. The group has entered into partnership with a
         pipelines and storage facilities to transport and store green  Danish company 'Stiesdal' to manufacture electrolysers at
         hydrogen. As is the case with every new technology, the  the group's factory in Jamnagar, Gujarat. These electrolysers
         entire  market  and  ecosystem  associated  with  green  will use  electricity from Reliance's own solar farms, which
         hydrogen will have to be developed.                  are also being built in Jamnagar, to produce green hydrogen.
                                                              Reliance is aiming to produce green hydrogen for $1 per kg
         In view of the above difficulties, various countries across the
         world have taken upon themselves to push adoption of  The above report mentions that the Adani group has also
         green hydrogen For example, the US Govt. has highly  announced that it will invest around $50 billion over the next
         subsidized production of green hydrogen under the Inflation  10 years to produce green hydrogen and create related
         Reduction Act and this has given some fillip to its use by the  ecosystem  for  the  same.  The  group  is  targeting
         general public.                                      development of green hydrogen capacity of 10 lakh tonnes
                                                              per year, before 2030, as part of the first phase.
         In our country also, the government is taking various initiatives
         to promote  usage  of Green Hydrogen.National Green  Another big industrial house, JSW Energy, is setting up a
         Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) was approved on January 4, 2023  3,800-tonne  hydrogen  plant  in  Karnataka,  with  25
         and was allocated an amount of Rs 19744 crores. Out of this  megawatts of round-the-clock renewable power. The plant
         amount, Rs 17490 crores has been earmarked for incentives.  will be operational before March 2025. The group aims to
         Under the mission, the Govt. has set a target of production  use green hydrogen to de-carbonise its steel making process

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