Page 229 - Operations Strategy
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204 CHAPTER 6 • PRoCEss TECHnology sTRATEgy
                           to extreme customer dissatisfaction. (It is worth reflecting at this point on your own
                           experience of trying to connect to and use a very busy website.) Conversely, too much
                           technology means excess invested capital to service too few customers.
                             Scalability, however, does depend on the ability of IT systems to work together.
                           Upgrading the functionality (what it can do) of an IT system is usually a matter of
                           evolution rather than revolution. Sometimes totally separate and only partially con-
                           nected systems are installed alongside existing ones. So, some IT systems finish up with
                           patched and inconsistent system architectures. This does not mean that they are in
                           themselves inefficient. However, it does make them difficult to scale up because they
                           do not fit conveniently with other units of technology. Thus, the underlying consist-
                           ency and stability of an IT platform’s architecture is an important determinant of its
                           scalability. Also, a more stable platform often will have support staff who have devel-
                           oped a greater depth of expertise. Similarly, if IT is stable and standardised, one of the
                           possible reasons for changing a process is removed. It is partly because of these issues
                           that many organisations have adopted ‘off-the-shelf’ internal business process man-
                           agement systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP). Indeed, many adopters
                           of ERP systems have chosen to change their business processes to match the IT, rather
                           than the other way around.

                           Degree of automation/‘analytical content’ – what can each unit of technol-
                           ogy do?
                           Very few technologies operate continually, totally and completely in isolation, without
                           ever needing some degree of human intervention. The degree of human intervention
                           varies from almost continual (the driver’s control over a bus) to the very occasional
                           (an engineer’s control in an automated pharmaceutical plant). This relative balance
                           between human and technological effort is usually referred to as the capital intensity
                           or degree of automation of the technology. Early applications of automation to mate-
                           rial transformation processes revolved around relatively simple and regularly repeated
                           tasks because technology is ‘dumber’ than humans; it cannot match people in many
                           delicate tasks or those requiring complex (and especially intuitive) thought processes.
                           But low automation often means higher direct costs – a requirement for control skills
                           and human creativity – whereas automated technology can repeat tasks endlessly and
                           is capable of repeating these tasks with precision, speed and power. However, in many
                           cases there have not been overall savings associated with automation, especially if a
                           complex system requires regular and expensive maintenance. It is common for a shift
                           towards greater capital intensity to necessitate the employment (either directly or con-
                           tractually) of more engineers, programmers and so on, who normally come with a much
                           higher price tag than the direct labour that was replaced. Other potential downsides of
                           automated technology include possible decreases in flexibility (labour-intensive tech-
                           nologies can usually be changed more readily than capital-intensive technologies) and
                           dependability (highly automated technology can be less robust than a more basic ‘tried
                           and tested’ technology).

                           From ‘automation’ to ‘analytical content’
                           Again, information processing technologies are, to some extent, an exception. Even
                           when considering automation of the most sophisticated forms of material and cus-
                           tomer processing technology there is usually an underlying strategic choice to be made

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