Page 228 - Operations Strategy
P. 228

PRoCEss TECHnology sHould REflECT volumE And vARiETy  203
                               Similarly, the costs of installing and supporting the technology are likely to be lower
                               per unit of output. Likewise, operating (as opposed to capital) costs per unit are often
                               lower on larger machines, the fixed costs of operating the plant being spread over a
                               higher volume.
                             ●	 Can the process technology match demand over time? As discussed in Chapter 4, there
                               is a traditional trade-off between large increments of capacity exploiting economies
                               of scale but potentially resulting in a mismatch between capacity and demand, and
                               smaller increments of capacity with a closer match between capacity and demand
                               but fewer economies of scale. The same argument clearly applies to the units of
                               process technology that make up that capacity. Also, larger increments of capacity
                               (and therefore large units of process technology) are difficult to stream on and off if
                               demand is uncertain or dynamic. Small units of process technology with the same
                               or similar processing costs as larger pieces of equipment would reduce the poten-
                               tial risks of investing in the process technology. This is why efficient but smaller-
                               scale technologies are being developed in many industries. Even in industries where
                               received wisdom has always been that large scale is economic (i.e. the steel and elec-
                               tricity generation), smaller, more flexible operations are increasingly amongst the
                               most profitable.
                             ●	 How vulnerable is the operation? Building an operation around a single large machine
                               introduces greater exposure to the risk of failure. Suppose that the choice is between
                               setting up a mail sorting operation with ten smaller or one very large machine. If
                               there is a single machine failure, then the operation with ten machines is more
                               robust, as 90 per cent of the mail can still be sorted. In the large-scale machine opera-
                               tion, no mail can be sorted.
                             ●	 What scope exists for exploiting new technological developments? Many forms of process
                               technology are advancing at a rapid rate. This poses a threat to the useful life of
                               large units of technology. If an operation commits substantial investment to a few
                               large pieces of equipment, it changes them only infrequently and the opportuni-
                               ties for trying out new ideas are somewhat limited. Having a broader range of dif-
                               ferent technological options (albeit each of a smaller scale) makes it easier to take
                               advantage of new developments – providing the operation can cope with potential

                             From ‘scale’ to ‘scalability’
                             Information processing technologies are an important exception to some of the issues
                             discussed above. Information is transmitted far more easily between units of technol-
                             ogy than between either materials or customers. Information technology also has the
                             capability of overcoming traditional links between volume and variety. Both of these
                             factors mean that information technology processes can be linked relatively easily to
                             combine their total processing capacity. Because of this, in many new technologies
                             the dynamic capacity challenges relate less to absolute scale and more to scalability.
                             By scalability we mean the ability to shift to a different level of useful capacity quickly,
                             cost-effectively and flexibly. Yet one of the key challenges for information processing
                             technology is still to judge how much computing capacity is required. This is especially
                             true if the process technology is customer-facing and in a dynamic marketplace (such
                             as e-commerce), where demand uncertainty and variability are common. As many
                             business-to-consumer internet-based businesses have discovered, too little capacity
                             means that the technology (website server etc.) can quickly become swamped and lead

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