Page 279 - Operations Strategy
P. 279

254 CHAPTER 7 • ImPRovEmEnT sTRATEgy
               table 7.4  Characteristics of bohn’s eight stages of process knowledge 7

                Stage term   Indication   Operations  Process   Process   To maintain  To move up
                                          activity  learning    knowledge
                1 Complete   Pure chance  Expertise-   Artistic  In people’s           Tinkering
                ignorance                 based                 heads
                2 Awareness  Art          €€€                            Professionalism  Develop
                                                                                         standards and
                3 Measurement  Measure good                              Preserve      Eliminate
                             output                                      standards     causes of large
                                                                                         disturbance to
                4 Control of   Mean made                                 Observe       Eliminate causes
                mean         stable                                      and correct   of important
                                                                           deviations from   variance, identify
                                                                         limits        new sources of
                5 Process    Transitions            Natural     Written   Eliminate    Stabilise   process
                capability   between                experiments  and oral  new causes of   transitions and
                               products and                              variability     differences
                               processes are                                           in process
                             known                                                       conditions for
                                                                                         different parts
                6 Know how   Transitions                                 Monitor   process  Scientific
                             between                                       parameters     experimentation
                               products and                              and   transitions   and theory
                               processes are                             and eliminate     building on
                             known                                       causes of new   important
                                                                         variability   variables for
                                                                                       new product
                7 Know why   Science      Procedure-  Controlled   Data-  Science enquiry   Scientific
                             about all key   based    experiments   bases and   and debate    experimentation
                             variables              and         software               and theory
                                                    simulations                        building on all
                8 Complete   Know all
                knowledge      variables and
                             for products,
                             now and in
                             the future

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