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82        THE  TARJUMAN  AL-ASHWA<^  (XVH,  XVlIl)

             ‘ Sal',’  a  mountain  near  Medina,  i.(>.  tlie  station  of
             ‘ Ajyad,’  a  mountain  near  Mecca,  i.e.  a  Divine  station
           which causes me to pass away fi-om  all  plienomeiial existence.
            1.  Halt  at  the  abodes and  weep  over  the  ruins and  ask  the
                  decayed  habitations a question.
            2.  ‘ Where are the loved ones ?  Where are their camel.s gone ? ’
                  (They  answer),  ‘ Behold .them  traversing  the  vapour
                  in the  desert.
            3.  Thou  seest  them  in  the  mirage  like gardens:  the  vapoiir
                  makes large in  the eyes the figure  (of  one  wlio  walks
                  in it).’
            4.  Thej’'  went,  desiring  al-‘Udliayb,  that  tliey  might  drink
                  there a cool life-giving fountain.
            5.  I  followed, asking  tlie zephyr about thoUi,  whether  they
                  have  pitched  tents  or  have  .sought  the  shade  of  the
                  dal tree.
            C.  Tlie  zephyr  said,  ‘ I  left  their  tents  at  Zanid,  and  the
                  camels  were  complaining of  fatigue  from their night-
            7.  They  had  let  down  over  the  tents  coverings  to  pi’otect
                  their beauty  from  the  heat of noon.
            8.  Rise,  then, and  go towards them, seeking their traces, and
                  drive  thy camels speedily in  their direction.
            9.  And  when thou  wilt .stop at  the landmarks  of  I.Iajir and
             10.  Their  abodes  will  be  near  and  their  lire  will  be  clearly
                  cross dales and  hills there,

                  seen—a  fire  whieh  has  caused  the  flame  of  love  to
           11.  Make  the  camels  kneel  !  Let  not  its lions affright thee,
                  for  longing  love  will  present  them  to  thine  eyes  in
                  the form of cubs.’
             1.  He  says  to  the  voice  of  God  (J:Jl   calling  from
           his heart, ‘ Halt at the abodes,’  i.e.  the stations where gnostics
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