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to another, he indicates that they are in a state of unrest,
because they ai’e seeldng that which is unimaginable, and of
which only the traces are to be found in the soul.
7. ‘ Coverings to protect their beauty,’ i.e. unless their
faces, viz. their rea4ities, were veiled, the intense radiance of
this station would consume them.
8. ‘ Seeking their traces ’ : he saj"s, ‘ Seek to approach the
degree of the prophets with thy aspiration (this he indicates
by the word “ camels ”), but not by immediate experience
(JU -), for only the Prophet has immediate experience of
this station.’ There is nothing, however, to prevent any
one from aspiring to it, although it is unattainable.
9. ‘ I.Ifljir,’ referring to the obstacle which makes immediate
experience of this station impossible for us.
10. ‘ Their lire will be clearly seen,’ i.e. the perils into
which they plunged before they could arrive at these abodes.
A.ccording to the Tradition, ‘ Paradise is encompassed with
hateful actions.’
One of the illuminati told me at al-Mawsil that
he had seen in a dream ^la'rvif al-Karkhi sitting in the midst
of Hell-fire. The dream terrified him and ho did not perceive
its meaning. I said to him, ‘ That tire is the enclosure that
guards the abode in which you saw him seated. Let any
one who desires to reach that abode plunge into the tii'e.’
My friend was pleased with this explanation and recognized
that it was true.
11. ‘ Let not its lions affright thee,’ i.e. if thou art a true
the form of cubs,’ i.e. innocuous and of no account.
lover be not dismayed by the dangers confronting thee. ‘ In
1. O mouldei'ing remains (of the encampment) at al-UthayL
where I played with friendly maidens !
2. Yesterday it was cheerful and smiling, but to-day it has
become desolate and frowning.
3. They went far away and I was unaware of them, and they
knew not that my mind was wjitching over them.