Page 72 - Music Education in a Digital Era 1
P. 72
‘’Musical Note Fa’’
The training session includes:
• initial auditory imitative and motor performance of C major;
• introducing the name of the new note;
• a rhythmic-cognitive game aimed at forming an idea of note values: a quarter,
a half and the whole note;
• musical-motor game for motor reflection of elements of musical
expressiveness with an operational goal related to consolidating the location of
the note on the fifth line;
• performance of a song or a musical piece with practical application and
formation of auditory representations of a major scale;
• graphical representation of the corresponding note.
The aim of the lesson is acoustic and written familiarization with tone and musical
note "Fa".
1. Sound-spatial auditory orientation for the location of the tone "Fa" as the fourth
degree of C-major.
2. Forming an idea about the location of the "fa" note on the fifth line.
3. Creating problem situations where the musical note location is revised.
Musical material:
"Piano" - m. Hristo Nedyalkov, t. Yordan Drumnikov, Gamma C major, "In the Cave
of the Mountain Tsar" - Edvard Grieg, Hungarian Dance No. 5 - Johannes Brahms.
The activity begins with updating the knowledge through the song "Piano". The
children sing a pattern that includes the notes they have learned (Image #2, Song
"Piano"), and the chorus features dance moves that match the character of the song.