Page 50 - Coworking Course Syllabus&Lesson Plans
P. 50
“Up-skilling in Remote Working through Exploring the Relatively New Phenomenon of Co-working”
Grant Agreement &Project Number N 2021IT01-KA210-VET-000037820
Lesson/Tutorial Plan
Subject: Coworking
Topic/ Title: Coworking Event
Co-working concept element: Coworking Events
Grade Level: High school
Designed by:
Date: 30 April 2023
Description of the lessons: a series of /4/ lessons
Students will learn how to plan a successful co-working event in this
series of lessons on arranging a co-working event. They will begin by
identifying the event's aims and objectives, as well as the target
audience and available resources. They will then learn how to arrange
the event's logistics, such as selecting a venue, setting up the space,
and arranging for catering and other services. They will also look into
ways to promote the event and attract attendees, such as using social
media, developing a website or landing page, and reaching out to
relevant communities and networks. Finally, students will learn how
to organize the event on the day of, including registration, networking
opportunities, and fixing any problems that may emerge. By the end
of the lesson, students will have acquired the knowledge and skills
required to successfully organize a co-working event that meets the
needs and expectations of their target audience..
Lesson What is
Overview the Learning outcomes:
of the Students will learn how to develop event goals and objectives,
lesson? arrange logistics, market the event, manage it on the day of, and
apply their knowledge to successfully organize an event. Students
will obtain the confidence and tools necessary to design and execute a
successful co-working event, which will contribute to their
professional development and the success of their organization or
For these four lessons, the materials needed are: a flip-chart,