Page 9 - Coworking Course Syllabus&Lesson Plans
P. 9

Tools for operations optimization

                     Management Softwares.
                     Other tools: Community management, CRM /Customer Relationship
                      Management (CRM) is a strategy that companies use to manage interactions with customers
                      and potential customers. CRM helps organisations streamline processes, build customer
                      relationships, increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability/, access

                      control, bookings, surveys, etc.
                     Project Management tools.
                     KPi's to measure business profitability / Key performance indicators (KPIs) are targets
                      that help you measure progress against your most strategic objectives. While organizations
                      can have many types of metrics, KPIs are targets that are “key” to the success of your


               Membership Management or how to implement the following:

                     Create custom membership types
                     Manage member profiles, contact information and payment sources
                     Enable online membership sales
                     Manage punch passes and day passes
                     Create memberships for accessing multiple locations

                     Offer memberships for multiple members who share a single account
                     Set a future membership start date when a new member joins
                     Pause memberships and billing
                     Manage contact emails to follow up with prospective members
                     Send an automated welcome email when new members join
                     Enable automatic check-ins when members access your space

               Digital Door Access or how to implement the following:

                     Provide members with digital keys via iOS and Android mobile apps
                     Set custom door schedules for business hours, events, weekends or holidays
                     Offer customized schedules to your members based on membership type,
                      such as 24/7 access or weekend access
                     Allow members to come and go from your space without a manager present
                     Allow digital key access to members only when they’re in close proximity to
                      your space
                     Lock or unlock doors remotely from any location as a manager
                     Understand exactly who unlocks a door at your space and when

                     Revoke key access automatically when a membership expires or is unpaid
                     Manage up to four doors with a single door controller
                     Use a wide range of compatible lock types including electric strike or maglock

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