Page 31 - MIL Syllabus and Lesson Plans
P. 31

a. Explore the influence of social media on information dissemination and public opinion.

               b. Discuss the role of algorithms, echo chambers, and filter bubbles in shaping social media content.
               c. Analyze examples of social media's impact on real-world events and public discourse.

               Analyzing Social Media Content (20 minutes):
               a. Introduce strategies for critically analyzing social media content, including examining the source,
               checking for credibility, and evaluating biases.

               b. Provide examples of misinformation or fake news on social media and guide students in identifying
               and debunking them.
               c. Engage students in a collaborative activity where they analyze and evaluate selected social media

               posts for credibility and accuracy.
               Responsible Engagement on Social Media (20 minutes):

               a. Discuss the ethical considerations and responsible use of social media platforms.
               b. Introduce guidelines for responsible engagement, such as respectful communication, avoiding

               cyberbullying, and protecting privacy.
               c. Facilitate a class discussion on best practices for engaging responsibly on social media and the

               potential positive impacts of social media activism.
               Evaluation (10 minutes):
               a. Conduct a quiz or short assessment to gauge students' understanding of media literacy and its

               application to social media.

               b. Assess their ability to critically evaluate social media content and identify misinformation.
               c. Provide feedback and address any misconceptions.

               Project-Based Activities:

               Social Media Campaign:
               Task: Students design a social media campaign to promote media literacy and responsible social
               media use. They create engaging posts, videos, or infographics to share tips, strategies, and resources

               for critical engagement on social media.
               Outcome: Students present their campaigns, demonstrating their understanding of media literacy
               principles and their ability to communicate effectively on social media.

               Debunking Misinformation:

               Task: Students select a prevalent piece of misinformation circulating on social media and conduct in-
               depth research to debunk it. They create informative presentations or videos debunking the
               misinformation, providing evidence-based counterarguments.

               Outcome: Students present their findings, showcasing their critical thinking skills and ability to
               evaluate and address misinformation on social media.

               Digital Citizenship Pledge:

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