Page 7 - MIL Syllabus and Lesson Plans
P. 7
Gather a few recent uses of the word propaganda, in print or in conversations. See if they
correspond to the suggestions here.
‘Ideology’ is sometimes used in similar ways. Such marginalising usage can make it
seem that it is always the other side – never one’s own – that has an ideology, or is trying
to propagandise for its position.
MODULE 6. Media and Advertising
Types of visual materials
Advertising functions
Techniques in advertising
Stereotypes in advertising
Practical assignments
Watch and discuss the US drama series Mad Men
Conduct a content analysis research into gadget ads.
Develop your own advert /group activity/.
MODULE 7. New Media
Networking media
Network phobias
Practical assignments
Watch and discuss the film ‘Social Dilemma’.
MODULE 8. Cybersecurity
Security on social networks
What problems are possible in social networks
How to protect your social media account
Confirmation protection
Dangers of logging into someone else's computer
Confidentiality in social networks - sources of problems
How to protect yourself from digital criminals