Page 20 - Realtai - Communications Strategy
P. 20

Realtai communications strategy

               AUDIENCE                         KEY MESSAGES                               KEY CHANNELS

               Partners (i.e              Realtai is a new asset class           Trade media outlets in
               ecommerce,                 offering that is bringing a            ecommerce and charity retail
               others etc.)               sustainable approach to the high       sector.
                                          street and changing how charity
                                          retail impacts the high street.        Co-content creation articles
                                                                                 for distribution through
                                          The benefits Realtai bring to the      direct marketing, umbrella
                                          market enables charity retail to       bodies, social media, blog
                                          explore and enhance other              etc.
                                          offerings i.e. ecommerce

                Partners (ie.             Realtai is experienced, skilled,        Engage with BDO to
                BDO)                      voiced and knowledgeable on             commission research /
                                          the charity retail environment          reports annually to highlight
                                          and has developed solutions             industry issues, trends, stats
                                          for the sector from listening           etc.
                                          and reacting to the wants and
                                          needs of charity retail                 Results to be used for PR /
                                          organisations, personnel and            media outreach with support
                                          those on the ground,                    through marketing – social,
                                          managing retail outlets.                blog etc.

                Trade media (Civil        Realtai is a new voice in the           Appropriate sponsorships,
                Society magazine,         industry, delivering a bespoke          awards, co-creation on
                Charity Finance           offering to market and                  research and industry news,
                etc.)                     changing the retail operations          opinion pieces etc.
                                          of charity industry.

                Mainstream                Realtai is a voice within the           Re-active strategy when
                media (national           charity retail industry, bringing       appropriate to include PR
                and regional)             opinions and influence to the           campaigns, placement of
                                          forefront of its operations.            industry content, reports,
                                                                                  research etc.

                                                                                  Crisis management alerts
                                                                                  and strategy in place.

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