Page 21 - Realtai - Communications Strategy
P. 21

Realtai communications strategy

               AUDIENCE                         KEY MESSAGES                               KEY CHANNELS

               Green/sustainability       Realtai bring and support a        Charity Umbrella bodies, UK and
               outlets                    ‘greener’ approach to the high     Ireland (sponsorships, events,
                                                                             research etc).

                                                                             Green / sustainable umbrella
                                          Charity Retail reuses, recycles    bodies.
                                          and reclaims thousands of
                                                                             Social media campaigns – LinkedIn
                                          tonnes of CO2, prevents
                                                                             (organic and paid for content).
                                                                             Direct marketing – monthly e-zine.
                                          Oak’s property management
                                                                             PR – Green / sustainable trade
                                          sustainability offering
                                                                             magazine and online outlets –
                                                                             sponsorships, awards, summits

                Estate agents             Realtai’s mission, values and      Direct engagement with local
                                          offering to charity retail and     and national estate agent chains
                                          estate agent role in opening       (when appropriate).
                                          up property opportunities for
                                          purchase.                          Co-content creation articles for
                                                                             distribution through direct

                                                                             Estate agent / trade associations
                                                                             and media to communicate role
                                                                             and position of Realtai and
                                                                             benefits of same.

               Local authorities          Realtai’s position as a game      Direct engagement with local
               and government             changing partner in the charity   authorities and TD’s to
               departments                retail sector and the benefits    communicate Realtai’s local entry,
                                          this brings to the high street,   support for the industry and role in
                                          towns and cities.                 its approach to a greener,
                                                                            sustainable and more profitable
                                          Realtai’s relationship with local   high street.
                                          authorities and government
                                          departments to support a
                                          collaborative approach to
                                          change, policies, tax.

                                          Housing renewal and
                                          strategies for rollout of same.

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