Page 21 - Websize_New Membership Orientation Book
P. 21

Frequently Asked Questions

           Q.  Are guests allowed at the Club?

           A.    All  golf  guests  must  register  in  the  Golf  Pro  Shop  or  with  a  Player  Services
           representative.  Please refer to the Club’s Rules and Regulations for guest times of
           play and green fees.  A resident guest (a person living within 100 miles of the Club)
           may  play  the  course  no  more  than  twice  in  any  calendar  month.    Members  are
           welcome  to  bring  guests  to  the  Club  for  dining.    Reservations  are  strongly
           encouraged and may be made by calling 303-233-4614 or online through the Club’s
           website at  Members are allowed to bring guests to

           the Club’s social events at the discretion of the Programs Committee and the Board
           of Directors.  Members are allowed to bring guests to the pool at the discretion of the
           Programs Committee and the Board of Directors.  Please refer to the Club’s Rules
           and regulations for pool guest information and fees.  All guests must be accompanied
           by a Member.

           Q.  Is there a dress code at Lakewood Country Club?

           A.  Appropriate attire is required, which includes proper golf attire.  Please refer to
           the Dress Code and Juniors' Dress Code sections in the Club’s Rules and Regulations
           for  details  on  appropriate  golf  attire.    For  men,  women  and  children,  appropriate

           denim pants and shorts are allowed. Denim pants, cargo shorts and shorts that are
           frayed, torn or worn-looking are considered inappropriate. While on Club grounds or
           in  the  Clubhouse,  shirts  must  be  tucked  into  the  waistband,  unless  manufacturing
           style prohibits. Sweatshirts are permitted to be worn in the Clubhouse; however, the
           clothing may not be tattered or torn. Cotton sweatpants, including children's wear,
           are  not  allowed  in  the  Clubhouse,  with  the  exception  of  the  Men's  and  Women's
           locker rooms. Inappropriate attire consists of, but is not limited to, tee shirts, tank
           tops, halter tops, athletic shorts, cutoffs, spandex and short shorts.
           For the men, hats and visors may be worn in the Clubhouse, with the exception that

           hats and visors are not allowed in the downstairs indoor dining areas, which includes
           the Pike's Peak Lounge (Members making the turn and using the Pike's Peak Lounge
           for  food  and  beverage  pick-up  are  exempted).    Hats  and  visors  may  not  be  worn
           backwards or askew anywhere on the Club premises.

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