Page 111 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 111

Blood (Intracellular) and Other Tissue Protozoa   91

                   Laboratory Diagnosis                             antigen detection tests (direct tests) are available. These
                                                                    tests are not routinely performed in a clinical laboratory,
                   Most T. gondii infections are not diagnosed, because in-  and are most often referred to a reference laboratory
                   dividuals who are exposed never feel ill or become symp-  which specializes in these techniques.
                   tomatic or through a mistaken belief that a febrile disease
                   such as a cold or flu as an innocuous viral infection.   Treatment and Prevention
                    Serological testing for IgM antibodies against T. gondii
                   is currently the most commonly employed diagnostic test   Prevention is accomplished through proper personal
                   for acute infections. Convalescent IgG antibodies will oc-  hygiene and avoiding the feces of cats and certain other
                   cur late in the infection after the acute phase has passed.   animals such as pigs and sheep. Meat should be properly
                   Stained histological slides may reveal trophozoites and   cooked before eating to ensure that the organisms are
                   cysts containing bradyzoites from surgically obtained tis-  destroyed. It might be added that a great deal of expo-
                   sue biopsy samples. In the immunocompromised patient   sure occurs in daily life, as up to one-third of the world’s
                   the presence of parasites in bronchoalveolar lavage or ce-  population shows antibodies against the organism.
                   rebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a spinal tap may be used
                   effectively. Indirect testing for antibodies by an indirect
                   fluorescent antibody test (IFA), a Sabin-Feldman dye test,   TRYPANOSOMES AND SLEEPING
                   indirect hemagglutination test, complement fixation, and
                                                                    Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, and
                       MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                                                                    Trypanosoma brucei rhodensiense are three organisms that
                                   FEATURE                          are responsible for several similar diseases by these blood-
                                                                    and-tissue parasites. Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative
                                                                    agent in the United States and parts of South and Cen-
                    General                                         tral America for Chagas’s disease, whereas Trypanosoma
                                                                    brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodensiense
                    Organism             Toxoplasma gondii          are responsible for the disease in Africa. A different group
                    Specimen Required   Generally by tissue         of vectors is responsible for transmitting this disease in
                                         biopsy specimens,          each of the two hemispheres of the world, which will be
                                         cerebrospinal fluid        discussed later in this section. These related diseases are
                    Stage                Trophozoites or cysts      indeed serious, and the WHO estimates that up to16 to
                                         are diagnostic             18 million people may be infected with this parasite and
                    Size                   Cysts measure from       many others are at risk for contracting the disease.
                                         12–100 μm
                                         Oocysts in feces and       Trypanosoma cruzi
                                         soil range from 9–14 μm
                    Shape                Oocysts are some-          Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative organism for the
                                         what oval                  American or New World variety of trypanosomiasis
                    Motility             None                       called Chagas’s disease, named for Carlos Chagas who
                    Nucleus(i)           Long, spherical            discovered the disease in 1909. Also called South Amer-
                                         nucleus at one end         ican trypanosomiasis, the disease is found from the
                                         of trophozoite             United States to as far south as Argentina, which extends
                    Cytoplasm            Smooth                     south to the tip of the South American continent. The
                    Other Features         Tissue cysts contain     causative organism, T. cruzi, infects both wild and do-
                                         large numbers of           mestic animals which may gain contact with each other,
                                         slow-growing               and makes it difficult to control the spread of the disease.
                                         trophozoites               Poor personal hygiene and unsanitary conditions com-
                                                                    bine to place many poor farmers who handle animals
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