Page 112 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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92     CHAPTER 4

                   at risk for becoming infected by this parasite. Infection
                   may also occur through blood transfusions of infected
                   blood donors, because the parasite is found in the blood.
                   T. cruzi has also been implicated as the causative agent
                   for encephalitis and as an opportunistic infection in im-
                   munocompromised patients such as those with HIV in-
                   fections and other chronic illnesses. Victims may suffer                                       Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   from chronic infection by T. cruzi with serious medical
                   consequences because no effective medication is avail-
                   able for an effective cure for the disease.

                                                                    FIGURE 4-11  Chagas’s disease is due to a protozoan,
                   Trypanosoma cruzi is a flagellate of the family Trypano-
                                                                    T. cruzi, transmitted by the true bug
                   somatidae. The organism possesses one flagellum and
                   a single mitochondrion in which the kinetoplast is situ-
                   ated, consisting of a specialized DNA-containing organ-  T. cruzi infection and also proved that the trypanosome
                   elle. The identification of this parasite by morphological   T. cruzi is transmitted by the previously mentioned “kiss-
                   and biological features does not offer difficulties. Differ-  ing bugs.” These transient infective forms of the trypano-
                   entiation between Trypanosoma rangeli, a nonpathogenic   some organism circulate in the bloodstream and are taken
                   flagellate that infects humans in some areas of Central   up by the bloodsucking bugs as they feed on a mammalian
                   and South America, and pathogenic strains is necessary.   host. After the parasites multiply in the gut of the bug, the
                   The organisms are transmitted by some of the same vec-  infective forms are passed in the feces of the insect.
                   tors that transmit T. cruzi.
                                                                    Disease Transmission
                                                                    Chagas’s first observation that the bloodsucking bugs
                   Most frequently the disease ranges from mild to no   infesting the poorly constructed houses harbored these
                   symptoms, and usually the symptoms are confined to   flagellates appeared to be a well-reasoned possibility as
                   fever, facial edema, and hepato- and splenomegaly. But   a host for the T. cruzi protozoan. He also determined
                   the infection is sometimes accompanied by myocarditis,   that the disease organism is not mechanically spread
                   cardiomyopathy, megaesophagus, megacolon (massive   merely through a bite but is accomplished through the
                   dilation of the colon), and eventually death may ensue.  liquid feces that is excreted around a bite mark by the
                                                                    insect. A stage called the epimastigote state migrates to
                   Life Cycle                                       the anus of the bug and is deposited with its feces as the
                                                                    reduviid bug feeds on the victim (Figure 4-12) often in
                   The trypanosomes of T. cruzi, found in the Western   the mouth region. Organisms are able to enter the host
                   Hemisphere, are now known to be spread mainly by   by passing through the bite wounds and the victim rubs
                   one of the “true” bugs (not all insects are correctly la-  or scratches the bitten area, allowing the organism to
                   beled as “bugs”). Various triatomid species belong to the   enter the body of the potential victim. Although Chagas
                   order Hemiptera and include the reduviid bug, the in-  thought that without a doubt the link between the bites
                   sect responsible for transmitting the parasite in the   of the bugs and contraction of the parasitic infection
                     Americas (Figure 4-11). These insects have efficient   was indisputable, his thesis was later supported by the
                     biting and piercing mouthparts and are often called “kiss-  French parasitologist, Emile Brumpt. Brumpt, in 1909,
                   ing bugs,” commonly known by this name because of   definitively demonstrated the transmission of the disease
                   their tendency to bite the lips and face. During the time   through contamination of the area with the feces of the
                   period between 1907 and 1912 the Brazilian scientist   bug. He proved that transmission of the protozoan did
                   Carlos Chagas, gave the common name of the disease to   not occur during the biting process itself, but instead
                   the world. His research shows that the disease is from a   the organism entered the wound the bite left behind.
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