Page 117 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 117

Blood (Intracellular) and Other Tissue Protozoa   97

                   bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and B. timori. Other species   on the tissue types each of the species typically in-
                   of filarial that infect the subcutaneous tissues of the body   vades. Organisms infect humans and other vertebrates
                   and those that invade the serous cavities will also be   through the bites of mosquitoes, gnats, and flies, de-
                   presented.                                       pending upon the geographic location where each is
                                                                    found. Human filarial nematode worms have a compli-
                                                                    cated life cycle, which primarily consists of five stages.
                   FILARIAL WORMS AND                               After the male and female worm mate, the female gives
                   LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS                             birth to live microfilariae by the thousands. The micro-
                   (ELEPHANTIASIS)                                  filariae are taken up by the vector insect (intermediate
                                                                    host) during a blood meal. In the intermediate host, the
                   A discussion of the basics of filariform larvae and the dis-  microfilariae molt and develop into third-stage (infec-
                   eases they produce and the impact of these organisms on   tive) larvae. Upon taking another blood meal, the vector
                   humans is provided first in this section. It is followed by   insect injects the infectious larvae into the dermis layer
                   specific organisms and details of those particular organ-  of our skin. After approximately one year the larvae
                   isms and identification of them. A number of significant   molt through two more stages, maturing into the adult
                   pathogens include small “worms” called microfilaria.   worm. Adult worms can survive in the lymphatic sys-
                   The superfamily (a group that falls between an order   tem for 5 to 15 years.
                   and a family) Filarioidea contains a number of nematodal   Infected individuals do not always exhibit microfi-
                   organisms that reside in tissues of the human body. Some   laria in their blood. When microfilaria are demonstrated
                   species of microfilaria are are found only in animals, but   in stained blood smears, the victim of the infection is said
                   three members of superfamily Filarioidea are commonly   to be microfilaremic, a term indicating a condition of
                   found in humans and will be presented in this section.   the blood where the parasite can be visualized. A term,
                       Filariasis is the general name for a group of tropi-  occult filariasis, may be used when an individual dem-
                   cal diseases caused by various threadlike parasitic round   onstrates the signs and symptoms of being infected by a
                   worms (nematodes) and their larvae. The larvae trans-  microfilarial organism but no organisms are found dur-
                   mit the disease to humans most often through mosquito   ing an examination of a blood sample. In some cases, as
                   bites, but the disease may also be less frequently trans-  serological test for antigens (proteins) of the organism
                   mitted by sand gnats, tabanid flies, blackflies, and a few   are found in the blood, although no visible organisms are
                   other miscellaneous insects. An outbreak of filariasis may   observed.
                   be characterized by chills and fever, headache, and skin   The organisms migrate throughout the body, and
                   lesions in the early stages. If left untreated or if treatment   infect a variety of tissue types. Wuchereria bancrofti,
                   is delayed, the disease can progress to a state of gross limb   Brugia timori, and Brugia malayi are the most com-
                   enlargement and often with enlargement of the genitalia.   mon organisms causing filariasis in humans. Filariasis
                   This marked condition is commonly called elephantia-  is classified into three distinct types according to the
                   sis and when the tissue injury has occurred, it cannot be   parts of the body that become infected. Lymphatic fi-
                   corrected with treatment with medications. But surgery   lariasis affects the circulatory system that moves tissue
                   can be performed to remove some of the misshapen and   fluid and immune cells (lymphatic system) and may
                   massive amounts of skin and other tissues generated by   cause gross enlargement of areas of the body due to
                   the disease in the affected areas.               the inability to reabsorb tissue fluids into the occlude
                                                                    blood vessels. Subcutaneous filariasis infects the areas
                   Life Cycle                                       beneath the skin and in some cases the whites of the
                                                                    eye. The third type of filariasis is that of infections of
                   The major species of causative organisms of filariasis in   the serous cavities, where the filaria infect body cavi-
                   humans occupy certain niches of the body, which lead   ties but does not cause serious disease. Several differ-
                   to their discovery and initial attempts at identification.   ent types of worms, or filarial, can be responsible for
                   The life cycles for each of the species that cause filari-  each of these types of filariasis. But the most common
                   asis have slight variations from each other. Table 4-1  species that infect humans include those found in the
                   shows the general division of the organisms based   following table (Table 4-5).
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