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102    CHAPTER 4

                                                                    fatal inflammation of the brain called encephalitis. In this
                                                                 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  tions are merely nuisances, and may include dizziness,
                                                                    case, fever is followed by headache and confusion, then
                                                                    stupor, and ensuing coma caused when massive numbers
                                                                    of larvae and parasites die. Other common drug reac-

                                                                    weakness, and nausea.
                                                                        For medications that cause the wholesale death of
                                                                    the parasites, symptoms may include fever, headache,
                                                                    muscle pain, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting,
                                                                    weakness, dizziness, lethargy, and even asthma. Reac-
                                                                    tions usually begin within two days of starting treatment
                                                                    and may last between two and four days. No treatment
                                                                    can reverse elephantiasis and surgery may be required to
                   FIGURE 4-19  Microfilarial pathogen Onchocerca
                                                                    remove surplus tissue and to provide a way to drain the
                   volvulus in its larval form, causative agent for river   fluid from the damaged lymphatic system. Surgery may
                                                                    also be used to ease massive enlargement of the scrotum.
                                                                    Elephantiasis of the legs may also be aided by elevating
                   diagnosis may be difficult because, in the first stages, the   the legs to lower the circulation of blood to the lower
                   disease mimics other bacterial skin infections. To make   limbs and by providing support with elastic bandages.
                   an accurate diagnosis, the physician looks for a pattern   The prognosis for patients in the early stages or in mild
                   of inflammation and signs of lymphatic obstruction, to-  cases is quite good, especially if the victim can avoid re-
                   gether with the patient’s possible exposure in an area   infection. The disease is rarely fatal, and with continued
                   where filariasis is common. The larvae (microfilariae) can   WHO medical intervention, with a goal of eliminating
                   also be found in the blood, but mosquitoes which spread   the disease by 2020, even gross elephantiasis is seldom
                   the disease are active at night, facilitating the spread   seen even in the developing countries of the world.
                   of the disease because the larvae are usually only found
                   in the blood between about 10 pm and 2 am.
                                                                    IDENTIFICATION OF MAJOR
                   Treatment and Prevention                         MICROFILARIAL ORGANISMS
                   Several different medications and methods are used to   The three major species of causative organisms of filariasis
                   treat a filariasis infection: eliminating the larvae by im-  listed earlier in humans occupy certain niches, which lead
                   pairing the adult worms’ ability to reproduce, and by   to their discovery and initial attempts at identification.
                   actually killing adult worms. Unfortunately, much of the   Table 4-1 shows the general division of the organisms
                   tissue damage that occurs in the condition of elephan-  based on the issue types each of the species typically in-
                   tiasis may not be reversible. The medication is started   vade. Organisms infect humans and other vertebrates
                   at low doses to prevent immune reactions caused by   through the bites of mosquitoes, gnats, and flies, depend-
                   large numbers of dying parasites. Although effective,   ing upon the location. Human filarial nematode worms
                   medications used in treatment can cause severe side ef-  have a complicated life cycle, which primarily consists of
                   fects in as many as 70 percent of patients as a result of   five stages. After the male and female worm mate, the fe-
                   either the drug itself or the massive death of parasites in   male gives birth to live microfilariae by the thousands. The
                   the blood. Diethylcarbamazine is implicated in causing   microfilariae are taken up by the vector insect (intermedi-
                   severe allergic reactions and the formation of pus-filled   ate host) during a blood meal. In the intermediate host, the
                   sores (abscesses). These side effects can be controlled by   microfilariae molt and develop into third-stage (infective)
                   using antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs such   larvae. Upon taking another blood meal the vector insect
                   as steroidal preparations called corticosteroids. In rare   injects the infectious larvae into the dermis layer of our
                   cases, treatment with diethylcarbamazine in someone   skin. After approximately one year the larvae molt through
                   with very high levels of parasitic infection may lead to a   two more stages, maturing into the adult worm.
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