Page 118 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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98     CHAPTER 4

                    TABLE 4-5  Parasitic Species Producing Filariasis

                    Wucheria bancrofti           Onchocerca volvulus               Mansonella perstans

                    Brugia malayi                Loa loa                           Mansonella ozzardi
                    Brugia timori                Mansonella streptocerca
                                                 Dracunculus medinensis

                   Species of Causative Organisms
                   for Filariasis

                   These species are divided into three groups according to
                   the tissues and cavities of the body they impact upon and
                   occupy, as shown at the top of the page.
                       The life cycles, the transmitting vectors, and                                             Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   in particular the tissues affected by these organisms,
                   dictate the category into which they are placed.
                   The worms that cause lymphatic filariasis are found
                   chiefly in the lymphatic system, including the lymph
                   nodes, and in chronic cases these worms lead to the
                   disease called elephantiasis. Subcutaneous filariasis   FIGURE 4-15  Simulium sp. of flies, or “blackflies,” a
                   caused by Loa loa (the African eye worm), Mansonella   vector of the disease, onchocerciasis, or “river blindness”
                   streptocerca, Onchocerca volvulus, and Dracunculus
                   medinensis (the guinea worm) result in invasions by
                   the small worms or filaria of areas just beneath the skin,   of South America, Southeast Asia, and a few other areas
                   including the layers of tissue in the eye in the case of   of the world harbor most of the filarial diseases. Filari-
                   Loa loa and the fatty layers slightly deeper in the organ.   asis is often disabling and certainly figuratively damag-
                   Onchocerciasis is the term for “river blindness” and   ing for many, but the disease is rarely fatal. However, it
                   the chief vector of the  organism responsible for this   is one of the leading causes of both permanent and long-
                   condition is the  Simulium sp. of flies, or “blackfly”   standing disability throughout the world. In 2002, an
                   (Figure 4-15). Serous cavity  filariasis caused by the   ambitious program to rid the world of six diseases within
                   worms Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi   20 years was undertaken by a number of organizations.
                   occupy the serous cavity of the  abdomen that results in   The WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the
                   pronounced distension of the stomach. In all categories   Carter Center, and the International Task Force for Dis-
                   the transmitting vectors are either bloodsucking insects   ease Eradication (ITFDE) united their efforts to accom-
                   (fly or mosquito) or copecod crustaceans in the case of   plish this worthy goal, toward which some modest gains
                   Dracunculus medinensis.                          have been achieved.
                                                                        Along with lymphatic filariasis, five other diseases
                   Epidemiology of Filariasis                       are earmarked as having the probability of becoming ex-
                                                                    tinct within two decades. The remaining five potentially
                   It is probable that up to 170 million people in mostly   eradicable diseases, with the exception of the viral dis-
                   tropical and subtropical areas suffer from some sort of fi-  ease of polio, are all parasite infections and are identified
                   lariasis, as there are several species which cause this dis-  as targets of these efforts. They include the guinea worm,
                   ease. The continent of Africa, islands of the Pacific, areas   polio, trachoma, schistosomiasis, and river blindness
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