Page 20 - Las Vegas LVQR Market Research Report Q1 2024
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Colliers   3
         Las Vegas  24Q1

         Vacancy                                               This was very close to single-tenant sales volume one year ago,
                                                               and a tremendous improvement over last quarter.
         Retail vacancy decreased to 4.2% this quarter, 0.1-points lower
         than one year ago, and near the lowest retail vacancy rate   Shopping center investment sales this quarter had a sales volume
         recorded in Southern Nevada since before the Great Recession.   of $31.8 million in 3 sales totaling 164,534 sf at an average sales
         Neighborhood centers had the highest vacancy rate at 5.4%, and   price of $193.38 psf. The average cap rate for shopping center
         freestanding retail the lowest at 2.0%.               retail properties was 6.3%.
         Among submarkets, North Las Vegas, Northwest, Southwest and   Shopping center investment sales were down on a year-over-year
         West Central had vacancy rates below the Valley average, while   basis and quarter-over-quarter.
         Downtown, Henderson, Northeast and University East had above   Forecast
         average vacancy. The Valley’s lowest vacancy rate was in the
         Southwest at 2.6% and highest in Downtown at 8.4%.    Southern Nevada’s retail market took a beating in 2023, with a
         Rents                                                 strong first quarter followed by successively lower demand over
                                                               the remaining three quarters of the year. The first quarter of 2024
         The average asking rental rate for retail space was $1.66 psf NNN   saw the market turn around in a big way, with 146,168 sf of net
         this quarter. This was $0.01 psf higher than one quarter ago and   absorption and a boost in asking rental rates.
         $0.04 psf higher than one year ago. The Southwest submarket,
                                                               Retail expansion should be fairly robust in 2024, with 157,940 sf
         with 2.6% vacancy, had the Valley’s highest asking rates at $2.26
                                                               currently under construction and 465,024 sf scheduled for
         psf NNN. It was followed by the 3.1% vacant Northwest
                                                               completion over the next four quarters. With 68.2% of this
         submarket’s $1.79 psf NNN asking rate.
                                                               scheduled space pre-leased, we should see fairly strong net
         Sales                                                 absorption in 2024 barring a downturn in the economy.
         Single-tenant retail investment sales volume in the first quarter of   Taxable spending in the retail sector, which had shown strong
         2024 was $63.1 million in 13 sales totaling 136,554 sf at an   growth during the recovery from the lockdowns of 2020, has
         average sales price of $461.79 psf. The average cap rate for single-  recently leveled off and even seen some negative annual growth
         tenant retail properties was 5.8%.                    on a month-by-month basis. This was somewhat concerning given
                                                               price inflation since lower retail taxable sales with alongside
                                                               higher suggests less product being moved, and less product being
        Single-Tenant      '22         '23         '24         moved could mean potential downsizing by retailers.
        No. Sales           80         41          13
        Square Footage   504,657     271,954     136,554
        Sales Volume    $365.2 MM   $147.8 MM   $63.1 MM
        Average Price/SF  $723.75    $543.63     $461.79
        Average Sale Size   6,300     6,600      10,500
        Cap Rate           5.4%       5.4%        5.8%

        Shopping Center    '22         '23         '24

        No. Sales           70         17          3
        Square Footage   2,829,382   493,937     164,534
        Sales Volume    $1013.5 MM  $112.0 MM   $31.8 MM
        Average Price/SF  $358.20    $226.73     $193.38
        Average Sale Size   40,400   29,100      54,800
        Cap Rate           5.9%        n/a        6.3%

       Colliers | Las Vegas | 24Q1 | Retail Report
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