Page 24 - Las Vegas LVQR Market Research Report Q1 2024
P. 24

                              Las Vegas  24Q1                         Key Takeaways
                                                                         Medical office vacancy decreased to 6.4%
                                                                         Net absorption increased to 40,000 SF
                                                                         Asking rents remained at $2.43 psf FSG

                        YOY                          YOY             Under      YOY            Overall Asking    YOY
           Vacancy Rate              Net Absorption               Construction                Lease Rates (FSG)
            6.4%      FORECAST         40K SF      FORECAST       230K SF     FORECAST        $2.43/ SF        FORECAST

       Demand Slows for Valley Medical Office

           Southern Nevada’s medical office sector improved in the first quarter of 2024, posting 40,430 square feet of net absorption,
           more than double the net absorption of the previous quarter. With no new completions of medical office space this quarter,
           vacancy decreased to 6.4%. The weighted average asking rental rate increased to $2.43 psf on a full service gross (FSG) basis.

       Market Indicators                                        Market Graph

           6.74%             2.85%              4.192%           200,000                                         12.0%
           Unemployment      GDP - Quarterly %   U.S. 10 Year
           Rate              change yr/yr       Treasury Note    150,000                                         10.0%

       Historic Comparison                                       100,000                                         8.0%
                              23Q1     23Q4      24Q1             50,000                                         6.0%
        Total Inventory
        (in Millions of SF)     8.4      8.4       8.4            -50,000                                        4.0%
        New Supply             111.7     35.3      0.0           -100,000                                        2.0%
        (in Thousands of SF)
                                                                 -150,000                                        0.0%
        Net Absorption         160.1     20.1      40.4                   Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
        (in Thousands of SF)
                                                                                2021        2022        2023

        Overall Vacancy        7.0%      6.9%     6.4%                  Absorption      New Supply      Total Vacancy

        Under Construction      46.6     41.9     230.2          Demand for medical office space appeared to have hit a low
        (in Thousands of SF)                                     point in the third quarter of 2023, and has improved for two
                                                                 consecutive quarters thereafter
        Overall Asking Lease
        Rates (FSG)            $2.43    $2.28     $2.43

        Recent Transactions

                  Lease            Lease            Lease             Lease            Lease            Lease
        Colliers | Salt Lake County| 21Q1 | Office Report
             861 Coronado Center  2870 S Maryland  2870 S Maryland  1815 E Lake Mead  861 Coronado Center  1815 E Lake Mead
                  6,900 SF         2,827 SF         2,758 SF         2,702 SF          2,507 SF         1,451 SF
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