Page 124 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 124
4 - Profiling³: "What do I make of it?" - Linking the profiling approach with personality diagnostic tool
The body of the interlocutor speaks!
The non-verbal signals of the person you are talking to give you
information in several respects:
• If the verbal behavior matches the nonverbal behavior, you
can assume that the interlocutor thinks what he says.
• In case of deviations, the non-verbal behavior can usually be
evaluated as more meaningful.
• You can tell from the nonverbal behavior what mood the
person you are talking to is in and what attitude they have
towards you.
However, the interpretation of a body language signal
depends on the context; moreover, a single signal alone must
not be used to interpret the state of the interlocutor. Rather, it
must always be seen in conjunction with the spoken word and
other nonverbal expressions.
Whoever can adequately understand the body language of the interlocutor
"decode" should know:
• An upright head posture reflects a confident attitude.
• The slightly diagonally held head signals
• Often, the friendlier the facial expression, the greater the
sympathy factor.
• Clear and distinct gestures mean openness - you have
nothing to hide.
• Crossed arms, on the other hand, indicate insecurity.