Page 121 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 121
Vogelhuber, Scheelen - What people really want
• The information question helps to obtain more concrete
information on the topic and to increasingly isolate the
driving force(s) of the interlocutor.
• The confirmation question is used to back up an answer:
"Did I understand you correctly that it is particularly important
for you ...?"
• The clarification question points in a similar direction: "You
just said ... - what exactly is important to you?
• The alternative question is a more pointed version of the
information question. It is formulated in such a way that the
interlocutor can choose his answer from the given
alternatives: "Do you prefer variant A or rather variant B? You
can use the alternative question to conclude the
conversation, when it is a question of summarizing the
conversation and making a decision: To do this, list the
various options and ask the interlocutor for his or her opinion.
Some types of questions should be avoided: The rhetorical sham
question touches the area of manipulation, if the questioner uses
it to give the appearance of objectivity to his own statements. On
the one hand, the counter-question serves to concretize the
facts, but is often perceived as unfair, because the other person
avoids an answer in order to unsettle the interlocutor. You will
annoy the interlocutor even more if you ask a subliminal question
with which you want to get at something other than the question
itself suggests. By the way: