Page 118 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 118
4 - Profiling³: "What do I make of it?" - Linking the profiling approach with personality diagnostic tool
The listener must want to and be able to engage with his or her
world of ideas in an understanding manner in order to determine
his or her expectations and wishes. He feels taken seriously,
appreciated and recognized.
There are several dimensions to listening: First of all, it is about
letting the interlocutor finish speaking. Listening is followed by
the reproduction of what is heard in one's own words. In this way,
communicative misunderstandings can be ruled out at an early
stage. You are playing in the Champions League of listening if
you are able to respond to what your conversation partner
expresses between the lines and with his body language. You
can interpret the non-verbal si- gnals of the interlocutor and draw
conclusions from his gestures and facial expressions. For
example, a salesperson with well-developed listening skills can
tell from the body language and tone of voice whether the
customer is under pressure and nervous. He knows: "Here I have
to ask questions and initiate a dialog in order to find out crucial
In the worst case, not being able to listen is a consequence of
the attitude towards the conversation partner, who is not
valued. The notorious talking past each other threatens if you
do not consider that you can only get to the bottom of the
expectations of the other person if you take a step back in the
conversation and listen to him or her intensively.
Listening and questions enable dialogue
But if you talk, you don't learn much about the other person.
Those who ask questions, on the other hand, receive valuable
and useful information from and about the other person. In other
words, a clear conversation concept in which questions are