Page 114 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 114

4 - Profiling³: "What do I make of it?" - Linking the profiling approach with personality diagnostic tool

                 The illustration shows that your interlocutor
                  • the blue and the red personality parts predominate and
                  • its  three  dominant  drivers  are  the  economic  (money  coins),  the
                    traditional (traditional hat) and the aesthetic motif (flower).

                 The  profiling  machine  is  used  in  a  role  play  in  which  two  people

                  • One person represents a salesperson/manager/recruiter, the other
                    person represents a customer/employee/applicant.
                  • The  customer/employee/applicant  presses  the  spin  button  and
                    receives a concrete statement about his personality structure via the
                    five symbols.
                  • Now  the  salesperson/manager/recruiter  tries  to  find  out  what
                    makes the customer/employee/applicant tick, in short: what makes
                    the  other  person  tick,  by  using  clever  questioning  techniques  and
                    listening carefully.

                 In our example, the salesperson/manager/re- cruiter finds out that the
                 customer/employee/advertiser  is  a  red-blue  type  with  the  dominant
                 drivers of aesthetic, economic and traditional motives.

                 Just  give  "Vogelhuber's  Profiling  Machine"  a  try.  To  do  so,  go  to

                 In  the  store  you  will  find  a  customizable  HTML  version  and  directly
                 under there is a YouTube video linked
                 that shows you "Vogelhuber's Profiling Machine" in action.

                 "Vogelhubers Profiling Machine" is also available for you to download
                 from the App Store and Google Play.

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