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P. 150
6 - Profiling³ in Sales: Sell Better and More
You can use your profiling skills to your advantage in these sales
situations. But before that, here's a story that Frank experienced.
"Cobbler, stick to your values!"
I met a well-known managing director of a very well-known jewelry
chain who, as a green and yellow guy, proudly told me how important
the topics of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty were for him.
He told me that he recently had a customer in front of him who
absolutely wanted to buy a 60,000 euro watch - and he, i.e. the
managing director, had done everything in his power to dissuade him.
The reason: The managing director had the feeling that the customer
might not have been happy with this purchase after all. In short, he
ultimately kept at the customer until he left the store without that
particular watch - although it may of course be the case that he went
elsewhere to buy it.
But why was this still the right decision for the managing director?
Because it was in complete harmony with his inner values: his INSIGHTS
MDI® profile subsequently showed that he has a highly social motive, a
very high aesthetic-harmonic motive and a very low economic motive.
Now you might say that man is wrong in his place - but it turns out that
he is successful nevertheless. That's surely also because in this high-
priced business, a different, more restrained way of advising and selling
is the order of the day anyway: customers in this price category
definitely reward it when they get the feeling that someone really only
wants their best - and that doesn't mean simply "ripping off" their