Page 149 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 149
Vogelhuber, Scheelen - What people really want
What makes this chapter tick?
• In the second Profiling³ practical application, the aim is to
identify the customer's wishes even more precisely
through a type-specific approach and to offer him the
greatest possible benefit in the conversation.
• You read that the method helps you to better manage difficult
sales situations.
Sell true to type
Being able to assess yourself, building up knowledge of human
nature, establishing a stable relationship of trust, making an initial
assessment of the person you are talking to, paying attention to
body language and external features such as clothing, asking
questions in order to identify the personality type (= basic type)
and the decisive drivers or motivators - you should be able to do
all this off the cuff in customer contact, especially when you are
talking to prospects or new customers whom you do not know or
hardly know at all. Then you won't have anything like the airline
lady in the "Hi there, Popeye" story, because you'll be able to
relate to each prospect and customer in an authentic way.
You have already learned how to assess and inquire about people's
personality structure and motivators, especially in Chapters 1 and 4.
We therefore want to draw your attention to some special customer
and motivator characteristics.