Page 144 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 144

5 - Profiling³: in recruiting: finding the right employees

                 Never  be  satisfied  with  standard  answers,  always  ask
                 questions and try to find out details.

               Prepare for questions from the applicant

               Be prepared for the fact that the applicant will also ask you for
               some information. They want to check whether the company, the
               job  and  themselves  are  a  good  match.  Experienced  profiling
               experts therefore always prepare a company presentation and a
               precise  description  of  the  job,  the  workplace  and  the  working
               environment  (structures,  management,  employees,  colleagues,
               customers,  requirements,  working  climate,  etc.).  The  more  an
               applicant knows about your company and you, the better he or
               she will be able to assess whether the vacant position is the right
               one  for  him  or  her.  And  the  greater  the  likelihood  that  what  fits
               together will come together.

               In  order  to  be  able  to  present  your  company  to  an  applicant
               whom  you  want  to  win  over  for  a  vacant  position,  it  is
               advantageous to make the position palatable to him in a way
               that  is  appropriate  to  his  type.  Let's  assume  you  want  to
               introduce your company to the fiery- red applicant, describe the
               position and explain the business model in such a way that his
               interest is aroused:

                • Then you should argue typologically and make it clear to
                   him that he should work independently, climb a few rungs
                   on the career ladder, have a success-oriented and strictly

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