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               conveys messages beyond your awareness. Yet, you can deliberately
               use these cues to guide a conversation. Adopting an open and invit-
               ing body language signals your willingness to engage and empathize
               with the other person. Simple actions like nodding can affirm what
               someone is saying, indicating your agreement or understanding,
               while shaking your head can show disagreement. Eye contact is par-

               ticularly crucial as it forges a strong connection, especially during
               challenging discussions.

                     Key Point: Alignment Improves and Builds Trust

                     When you effectively synchronize your words and body
                  language, it enhances the likelihood of fostering trust with the
                   person you’re speaking to. This harmonious interaction also

                    helps you discern and understand their core motivations.

               Your Conversation Partner’s Body Speaks

               Understanding nonverbal cues and looking for alignment in your
               conversation partner is important because . . .

                   •  If someone’s verbal and nonverbal expressions align, it’s

                       likely they mean what they say.
                   •  Nonverbal cues are often more reliable than verbal ones
                       when they don’t match.

                   •  You can gauge someone’s emotions and attitudes toward
                       you by their body language.

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