Page 131 - Boettcher.indb
P. 131


               These graphs are generated from the same Style Insights question-
               naire as the traditional vertical graphs were, but the difference in
               how you understand the results is like adding another dimension.

               Let’s take a look at both sides of the continuum in each area for a

               better understanding of the eight styles:

               Dominance/red: This behavioral factor measures how an individual
               responds to problems and challenges.

                   On the right side of the D dimension, the tendency is to re-

                   spond forcefully and directly to problems and challenges. This
                   is the direct style.

                   On the left side of the D dimension, the tendency of a person
                   will be to respond more reflectively, cautiously, and often in col-
                   laboration with others. This is the reflective style.

               Influence/yellow: This behavioral factor measures how an individ-
               ual responds to people and contacts.

                   On the right side of the influence (I) dimension, the tendency
                   is to be more extroverted, optimistic, and trusting in interacting

                   with others. This is the outgoing style.

                   On the left side of the I dimension, the tendency is to be more
                   skeptical and cautious when interacting with others. This is the
                   reserved style.

               Steadiness/green: This behavioral factor measures how an individu-
               al responds to pace and consistency in their environment.

                   On the right side of the S dimension, the tendency is to be
                   consistent, predictable, and cautious when responding to pace
                   or change. This is the steady style.

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