Page 68 - Argyle Police Officer Field Training Tips
P. 68

Questions From DWI Trials

                                           Questions I have been asked at DWI Trials.

               When did you go to the academy?

               What academy?
               Did you have SFST class? what was it called? what did they teach you? How long was it?

               How long have you been an officer?

               where did you work before? How long?

               How long have you been with Argyle?

               Are you certified to administer SFSTs?
               How many DWI's have you done?

               Have you had DWI investigations where you didn't arrest someone?

               How many clues on HGN?

               How many clues on WAT?

               How many clues on OLS?
               Why did you stop in another city?

               At what point did you have pc for arrest.

               Are there any mistakes on the report?  Why didn’t you correct them? It's an important document.

               Why didn't you get a warrant?

               What does HGN stand for.
               HGN- what is optokinetic Nystagmus.

               How many types of HGN?

               explain HGN. Explain lack of smooth pursuit.

               besides driving behavior, what other things made you suspect the defendant was intoxicated.

               What does NHTSA stand for?

               Was the surface flat. Was there gravel on there.
               Where was she coming from?

               How much did she have to drink?

               Did her story change.

               Why do you think drugs were involved?

                Pg. 67                          POLICE FIELD TRAINING CONCEPTS
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