Page 69 - Argyle Police Officer Field Training Tips
P. 69

Are you a drug expert?

               Why didn't you calculate the angle?

               I saw you commit several traffic violations on the video officer, you are a that means
               anyone can commit violations and not be drunk.

               distinct and distinct does that have to be. how do you determine if distinct?

               Trial 2017

               How long have you been an officer?

               Where else have you worked?

               What unit are you assigned to?
               What does NHTSA stand for?

               Can fatigue cause HGN?

                Isn’t it true there are 47 kinds of HGN and you only test for one (horizontal gaze nystagmus) …..I
               actually tested for resting nystagmus and vertical nystagmus

               Aren’t you required to re-certify every year?

               Was it windy, how do we know it wasn’t since you didn’t indicate that in your report?
                Was your radar tested….if so, why didn’t you write that in your report?

                The road has a slight slant to it to allow water to run off correct. So, that is not flat. Why didn’t you
               move the defendant to another location to do the test?

               Why didn’t you get a warrant? You had time. There is always a delay even if he had provided the breath
               How do you know he didn’t have a head injury?

               Did you ask him if he had any problems with his legs? He could have an injury.

               You said he was moving his head. Therefore, the test wasn’t administered properly correct.

               How do you normally speak? Did you hear yourself speak fast on the video?

               You mentioned you saw a beer on the floor. He stated it was old. Did you touch it to see if it was cold?
               Wouldn’t that be important for your investigation so that you would know if it was new or old.

               Isn’t it true that you asked the defendant to pull over onto the shoulder of the road and he did it.
               Therefore, he still had his physical and mental faculties.

               Which lights did you turn off on your vehicle? And why?

               Were you on the passenger’s side when you observed his eyes were bloodshot?

                Pg. 68                          POLICE FIELD TRAINING CONCEPTS
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