Page 65 - Argyle Police Officer Field Training Tips
P. 65
FTO talking points for discussion
Where is Squirrel Run?
What’s the quickest way to get there from here?
Do you separate the parties?
Where did it happen?
What time did it happen?
Who is the suspect? Is he the primary aggressor?
If there was physical contact, was it offensive?
Did the victim feel pain?
Does the victim want to press charges?
Are there injuries? Photograph injuries or lack of? Photograph scene?
Are there witnesses? Do you collect their information?
Statements? Witness, victim, and suspect statements?
Is there video? How do we get a copy?
If there is an offense, can we do an EPO?
Do you have to do a report?
Do you have to give them the victims information sheet?
Does this fall under family violence?
If this results in a citation for offensive contact, do you complete the domestic violence paperwork?
-interview with the victim
-interview all witnesses and obtain written statements
-identify all individuals at location at time of the offense
-identify the suspect
-relationship of the victim and suspect
-if possible, interview the suspect
-description as to the method of assault (hands, weapon, etc.)
-description of injuries
-description of crime scene