Page 24 - The Guardians - MPD Summer 2020 Newsletter
P. 24

Milwaukee family impacted

                                       by a quintuple homicide

                                 Featuring: Sgt. Erin Mejia, Milwaukee Police Department

                                                “Before   the   call   came   in   I   was   what  the  caller  is  saying  could
          O   n Monday, April 27, 2020 the      doing   administrative   work,”     actually   be   true,”   added   Sgt.

                                                explained   Sgt.   Erin   Mejia   who  Mejia.   "You   always   hope   that
         Milwaukee     Police   Department
                                                was   the   commanding   officer   at  it's not real."
         received   a   call   for   police   services
                                                the   scene.   "We   quickly   started
         on   the   2800   block   of   North   12th
                                                getting  ready  to  go  to  the  scene  Investigators   believe   these
         Street   from   a   citizen   who   stated
                                                when   the   caller   said   he   had  homicides   could   have   been   a
         his   family   was   dead   inside   their
                                                killed   everybody.   He   told   us   he  result   of   a   domestic   violence
                                                was  feeling  very  anxious  and  he  situation.   Sgt.   Mejia   went   into
                                                was  going  to  kill  his  grandchild  the  home      and   describes   what
         Once   MPD   officers   arrived   at   the
                                                as well."                           she witnessed as heartbreaking.
         scene,   they    discovered   five
         victims    dead   from    gunshot
                                                Four   of   the   five   victims   killed  “Once  we  entered  the  home  we
         wounds   on   the   second   level   of   a
                                                teenagers,   and   the   fifth   victim  went   upstairs   and   it   was
         duplex    home.   A    43-year-old
                                                was   identified   as   a   41-year-old  determined   that   there   were   no
         Milwaukee     man   identified   as
                                                Milwaukee   woman   who   was   a   lifesaving   measures   we   could
         Christopher    P.   Stokes    was
                                                mother   of   one   of   the   teenage  take   to   preserve   life   for   the
         immediately    taken   into   police
                                                victims.  The  grandchild  was  not  victims.   It   became   crucial   for
         custody    at   the   scene   after
                                                harmed   and   was   rescued   inside  us   to   think   rationally   and   to
         admitting   to   MPD   he   was   the
                                                the home.                           preserve   evidence   so   we   can
         shooter.    Stokes    was     later
                                                                                    bring   justice   to   the   family   or
         identified as the person who called
                                                “It’s   scary   to   think   that   when  families   impacted,”   said   Sgt.
         dispatch to report the incident.
                                                you get to a scene like that,       Mejia.

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