Page 26 - The Guardians - MPD Summer 2020 Newsletter
P. 26

Officer Tischer reflects on the

                                        Molson Coors Shooting

                                     Featuring: Erin Tischer, Milwaukee Police Officer

             On  Wednesday,  February  26,  2020,  Milwauke e     "It's   an   intense   situation   when   you   don' t   know
             Police   Officer,   Erin   Tischer,   was   studyi ng   for  where  your  threats  are  coming  from.  Whe n  you

             the  upcoming  Sergeant’s  exam  when   she   he ard  enter   a   large   facility   like   Molson   Coor s,   you
             a  call  over  the  police  radio  for  an  active  shoot er  don't  know  where  you  were  headed.  Som etimes
             situation   at   the   Molson   Coors   Beve rage    you  didn't  know  what  floor  you  were  on,"   said

             “My  senses  went  on  high  alert,"  Officer  Tische r  Six   people   were   found   dead   at   the   scene
             described.   "I   hoped   it   wasn’t   real.   I   hope d   it  including   the   suspected   gunman.   All   vi ctims
             was  a  fake  call,  but  the  more  updates  that  came  and   the   suspect   worked   at   Molson   Coor s.   No
             in we could hear the panic in the officer's voi ce.  members  of  the  general  public  were  invol ved  in
             We knew it was real."                                the   incident.   It   took   the   Milwaukee   Pol ice
                                                                  Department   nearly   five   hours   to   search   each
             Officer   Tischer   is   a   13-year   veteran   with   the  building to get employees out safely.
             Milwaukee     Police   Department    and   ha s
             responded  to  several  active  shooter  situations   in  "It's  always  challenging  to  come  across  vi ctims.
             the   past.   However,   the   Molson   Coors   shoot ing  The   more   scenes   you   go   to,   the   more   you   feel
             presented   new   challenges   for   the   depa rtment  bad," added Tischer. "You see wedding r ings  on
             due   to   the   size   of   the   property   and   the    amount  the   hands   of   victims   and   you   realize   there   is   a
             of   employees   at   work   when   the   shoot ing  family   or   a   spouse   attached   to   that   weddi ng
             occurred.                                            ring."

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