Page 14 - Why Choose LJ Hooker Beenleigh
P. 14

Payment of Rent

            To make payment of rent convenient for tenants          Reminder SMS 2 days in arrears.
            LJ Hooker Beenleigh has a number of payment
            options:                                                Email reminder 3 days in arrears +
                                                                    phone call.
               Direct Debit from Bank account
               Direct Credit form Bank Account.                     ‘Urgent’ letter forwarded 5 days in
            We are also registered with Centrelink for direct
            payment from client benefits prior to them              Issue of the appropriate Qld Tenancy
            receiving them.                                         Authority notice requesting full
                                                                    payment (Issued after 7 days of arrears)
            This office has a Zero Tolerance policy in relation
                                                                    and payment required within 7 days –
            to rent arrears. We are proud of our consistently
                                                                    (by law).
            low arrears rate.
                                                                    If no payment after that required time,
            All tenants are advised of their responsibilities
                                                                    we then contact the owner of the property
            regarding payment of rent during the lease
                                                                    and seek instructions. We then act in
            sign up process and fully informed of the
                                                                    accordance with owner written instructions.
            process should they not fulfil their obligations
                                                                    Terminate tenancy if required. Via ‘Notice
                                                                    to Leave’ form or through the QCAT tenancy
                                                                    tribunal process.

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