Page 15 - Why Choose LJ Hooker Beenleigh
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Statements and
We offer two rent disbursement dates to our clients. ‘Mid-month’ payment is made on the 15th day
of each month. Should this fall on a weekend or
public holiday, payment will be made on the next
business day.
‘End of month’ payment is on the 28th day of each Statements will be issued at the end of the month
month. Should this fall on a weekend or public only, for ease of computer accounting purposes.
holiday, payment will be made prior to the weekend
or public holiday date or on the first business day
after. We transact on this day after a large number
of our clients requested it so rental funds could be
in accounts for mortgage payments due on the 1st
of each month. End of month processing for June
or every year will take place on the 1st working day
Statements are emailed so clients can easily
of July so all transactions for the financial year can
back them up or on forward to accountants and
be listed on your statement in accordance with
bookkeepers. An end of financial year summary of
Australian tax law.
income and expenditure is available, if requested.
We are able to pay rates, Body Corporate or Strata We will attend to payment of Landlord Protection
fees, on your behalf and these costs will then be Insurance premiums, but are unable to pay other
itemised on your statement. insurances.
Disbursements are made to landlords by electronic
funds transfer
Why Choose LJ Hooker Beenleigh 15