Page 35 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 35
The activity bus is available for all students who meet the following requirements:
Students must be attending a legitimate, supervised, school-sponsored
Students must report to the activity room upon completion of the after-
school event prior to the 5:00 pm departure.
Student’s name must appear on the daily activity bus roster provided
from the activity bus sponsor. Students who do not appear on a roster or
do not appear with a sponsor will not be permitted on the bus.
Students must have a valid student I.D. to board the bus
Activity Bus Route
Student Activities And Athletics
Brooke Point High School is proud to offer a multitude of activities and athletics in
which students may participate.
Brooke Point High School operates as a “limited open forum,” as such,
sanctioned student organizations should contribute to the total school program
and be of curriculum merit, as well as being non-exclusionary.
Prior to participating in a VHSL activity or athletic team, each student and
guardian must read an Athletic and Activity Code of Conduct.
The following forms are required to be obtained, signed, and kept on file in the
Activities Office:
Student Concussion Statement
Parent/Guardian Concussion Statement
Student Athletic and Activity Code of Conduct Statement of Understanding
Parent/Guardian Athletic and Activity Code of Conduct Statement of
Heat and Hydration Statement of Understanding
Student Information Emergency Card