Page 33 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 33

Brooke Point High School Writing Rubric

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    Composing       Strong central idea  Has a central idea    Weak central         No central idea
 (Ideas, Content,   Many interesting     Some details           ideas                No details
and Organization)                         Some organization                           No organization
                     details              Has a beginning       Few details          Confusing
      Score:        Good organization    Has an end            Poor organization
                    Strong beginning                                                   General
      ______        Strong end            Some off-topic ideas   Many off topic ideas  Repetitive
Written Expression
                     Interesting         Good word choice      Bland words
  (Tone/ Voice,      vocabulary            Unnecessary          General or vague
Sentence Variety,
and Word Choice)    Good images           details               Little variety
                    Varied sentences
      Score:        Voice and mood        Varied sentences

       ______       Excellent use of:    Good use of:          Sometimes uses:      Incorrect use of:
     Usage and       Capitalization        Capitalization         Capitalization        Capitalization
     Mechanics       Punctuation           Punctuation            Punctuation
                     Grammar               Grammar                Spelling patterns     Punctuation
Score: ______        Spelling              Spelling
                                                                 Many errors          Many spelling
                    Few errors           Some errors           Many format errors     errors
                    Follows format        Some format errors
                                                                                       Difficult to

                                                                                       Incorrect / No format


                               Composing    Written    Usage &   TOTAL
                                          Expression  Mechanics
                Rubric Letter
                Score Grade               Grading     Rubric Letter Grading

                                           Scale      Score Grade Scale

                    12 A+ 100 7 B- 80

                    11 A 95 6 C 74

                    10 A- 90 5 C- 60

                    9 B+ 88 4 D 65

                  8 B 84 3 D- 60

*Adapted from the VA SOL Writing Rubric and the SHS Writing Rubric.

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