Page 36 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 36
In order to be eligible to participate in athletics, a student must comply with
Virginia High School League regulations regarding academic status including the
Participants must be enrolled in not fewer than 5 subjects, or their
equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation and
must have passed at least five subjects or their equivalent the previous
Fall and winter VHSL activity academic eligibility will be based on the
prior year’s ending grades. Continuing eligibility for winter VHSL
activities and eligibility for spring VHSL activities will be based on the
current school year’s first semester grades. Students must have
passed, or be passing, five subjects, or their equivalent, offered for
credit and which may be used for graduation.
VHSL activity participants shall not have reached their nineteenth
birthday on or before the first day of August of the current school year.
Participants must submit to the coach an Athletic Participation/Parent
Consent/Physical Examination form, signed by the physician (sports
only) after May 1 of the year preceding the school year of participation
and by the parent/guardian, before engaging in VHSL activities.
Extra-curricular participants will pledge to have read and agreed to abide
by the Stafford County Public Schools Extra/Co-Curricular Participation
Policy 7-32.4.
Athletic Admission Packages
Students (current BPHS students only) – All Regular Season Home Events
All Year Pass - $50
Family Pass – (Good for immediate family members ONLY) for All Home
Regular Season Events All Year - $175
Fall Family Pass - $100 (valid for Fall regular season only)
Winter Family Pass - $100 (valid for Winter regular season only)
Spring Family Pass - $100 (valid for Spring regular season only)
Activity passes are good for all home, regular season conference
games/competitions and can be purchased in the Activities office during school
hours. Please call ahead.
Fundraising Participation
Students may only sell products sponsored by a Brooke Point activity. All
products must be approved by School Board Office and all food items must be
sold outside of the protected times.